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    Michael Jackson interview Easter Sunday morning!! News! 2005-03-27 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson Grants Exclusive Interview to the Reverend Jesse Jackson- Live on Easter Sunday Starting at 8 a.m. Eastern webcast at 8AM EasternST!! !!
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    FALSE ALLEGATIONS: A starters reading list

    ..... :careless FALSE ALLEGATIONS of SEX ABUSE are easy to manufacture in children! Here's a starters reading list. * Moral Panic : Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America by Philip Jenkins...
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    Martin BASHIR\'s FORGERIES princess diana fountain Posted on 09 Jul 04 - 9:22 AM By CrackerBot Royal tales and true Andrew Morton wants to cross the t's, dot the i's, fill in the last part of the puzzle that is Diana, Princess of Wales. So he's written a...
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    more re Martin BASHIR\'s tactics

    Read this excerpt!*
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    DID DIANA GO ON TV TO GIVE HER FRANKEST INTERVIEW EVER BECAUSE SHE FEARED THAT THE SECURITY SERVICES WERE AFTER HER?; THE PARANOID PRINCESS From Express - 16/06/2004 (1746 words) ANNA PUKAS IF 1992 was the Queen's annus horribilis, then for Diana, Princess of Wales, the autumn of 1995 saw...
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    DID DIANA GO ON TV TO GIVE HER FRANKEST INTERVIEW EVER BECAUSE SHE FEARED THAT THE SECURITY SERVICES WERE AFTER HER?; THE PARANOID PRINCESS From Express - 16/06/2004 (1746 words) ANNA PUKAS IF 1992 was the Queen's annus horribilis, then for Diana, Princess of Wales, the autumn of 1995 saw...
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    Martin BASHIR\'s FORGERIES part 1

    City firm backs claim of forgery in 'Panorama' From Independent - 12/04/1996 (425 words) CHRIS BLACKHURST A claim that the BBC Panorama programme used a fabricated financial document in an investigation into the business dealings of Terry Venables, the England football coach, received...
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    Is Debbie Rowe cooperating with Michael\'s attorneys?

    Interesting about Debbie Rowe's child custody claims. It's likely that she is cooperating with Michael by beating social services to the punch should they try to take his kids away. By making custody claims, she places herself between Michael and any court or SS trying to take his kids... they...
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    To THE WASHINGTON POST Editor :writing: re: Tina Brown article (March 10, 2005): Michael Jackson's False Front? :yuk This article is more low-brow pandering to the hate Jackson crowd. Tina Brown's lead-in first paragraph defines her agenda pretty well: "The strange thing about the Michael...
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    To RABBI SHMULEY BOTEACH ( :yuk Mr. Messereau, end this trial! By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach February 22, 2005 Ol' Shmuley has been at it again with all his free advice! What is it they say? "Proffered advice stinketh... " Well here's one back at Smuley...
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    A letter to the Editor (The Washington Post)

    Letter to the Editor March 10, 2005 re Post article: Michael Jackson's False Front? * This article is more low-brow garbage pandering to the hate Jackson crowd. Tina Brown's lead-in first paragraph defines her agenda pretty well: "The strange thing about the Michael Jackson trial is...