Another military draft??


New member
I was watching MTV today, and a bit of MTV News came on where they were talking about another possible US draft. Bush recently said on TV that he wanted to rise up the military troops because many are dying. The US troops are becoming short in numbers, and it scared me. I am scared. I don't want to be drafted. I don't want anyone I know to be drafted. I don't want my fiance to be drafted...

Here is a article I got..

Military Draft

Rumors are flying about an impending military draft, spawning such sites as and a hoax e-mail as reported by Despite such hysteria, it appears unlikely there will be a military draft in the foreseeable future. is frequently contacted by individuals who want to know if the U.S. Government is preparing to institute a military draft. We do not have any inside information, or any other information that indicates a military draft will be implemented at any point in the future. Both President George W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have stated for the record that they oppose a draft.

Political posturing may be partly responsible for rumors about a supposed impending military draft. On October 5, 2004, just a month before the presidential elections, a House of Representatives bill (H.R. 163) to reinstate the draft was defeated 402-2. The vote proves that there is currently virtually no congressional support for a military draft.

It would be prudent to say that the US Military does not want a military draft either, as motivated volunteers are much more desirable than reluctant conscripts.

Currently, the US Military is meeting most of its recruiting goals. Though the situation in Iraq has prompted some to decide against joining the military, there are many patriotic Americans who are deciding to contribute to the War on Terror.

However, a military draft might be necessary if the US Military is drawn into a third front (Iraq, Afghanistan, and ?). For example, an armed conflict on the Korea Peninsula would likely involve large numbers of American military personnel and a protracted situation could necessitate a draft.

Additionally, a "limited" military draft might be necessary if the US Military has increasing recruiting difficulties. But, again, this is unlikely, since the US Military is hiring additional recruiters and other options, including increasing enlistment bonuses, could fill a recruiting gap.

My uncle went to the Vietnam war, and he said they might not take me because I am the only child, and a girl. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I'm still scared. I know there's so many other people out there who don't support this war, and would rather die than get drafted.

What do you guys think?:unsure:


New member
There is no way in hell the government is going to draft me! They can put me in jail for all I care, I will not risk my life for a war I don't believe in.

My cousin is already shipping to Iraq, and I constantly worry about him because he has a wife at home. Even though it was his own choice, I don't want him to die because of some senseless war.


New member
The U.S. is not going for that. They're already disgruntled over this war as it is.

Bush recently said on TV that he wanted to rise up the military troops because many are dying.

And he thinks that is gonna make the draft justifiable? So more troops can get killed? Solves nothing and gets us even more desparate for resources that are already tapped out. It's like putting a teensy bandaid on a gaping wound.

No. What Bush needs to do is stop all the financial bleeding this country is suffering from before he forces us thru the next damn Great Depression! This 'war' has sucked us bone dry. What I fear more than anything is the stability of future generations who will be paying the price of all this.


New member
HeavenSent;187170 said:
The U.S. is not going for that. They're already disgruntled over this war as it is.

And he thinks that is gonna make the draft justifiable? So more troops can get killed? Solves nothing and gets us even more desparate for resources that are already tapped out. It's like putting a teensy bandaid on a gaping wound.

No. What Bush needs to do is stop all the financial bleeding this country is suffering from before he forces us thru the next damn Great Depression! This 'war' has sucked us bone dry. What I fear more than anything is the stability of future generations who will be paying the price of all this.

True. That's very true.

But, some other person went on and said that a draft would be a problem since the US population has grown tremendously throughout the years, and what would happen when you have too many troops?

Hopefully, no draft is needed. But, since Bush is in office he calls most of the shots, (not all but most) and what could we possibly expect next?:(


New member
Bush is an ass. Plain and simple. I'll say it one more time lol.

But he can't just simply say there is going to be a draft, and that's it. He has to get approval first. They usually vote on that. But democrats rule the house so I don't believe they'll agree anyway because most don't support the so called "war efforts".

This sucks, because I was thinking about maybe entering the Navy part time because they have some great computer oppurtunities. But once you sign up for any part of the military (air national guard, navy, army etc.), then they have the power to send you to iraq or anywhere else they want to.
It's crap. I'm definately waiting until the next president gets in and see if they're gonna pull out our troops. This is totall bullshit.