Larry King Live: Daphne Barak (Dec 15 2003)


Staff member

Analysis of Saddam Hussein Capture; Analysis of Michael Jackson Case

Aired December 15, 2003 - 21:00 ET


When we come back, Daphne Barak, the host and executive producer of the special, "Our Son Michael Jackson." She interviewed the parents of Michael Jackson. She's with us. And then a panel again will discuss that situation, as we come toward a heading there that will be an arrest warrant filed either Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. We'll be right back.


KING: Before our panel assembles, we're going to spend moments with Daphne Barak, she's host and executive producer of "Our Son Michael Jackson." That's the extraordinary television show featuring an exclusive with Katherine and Joe Jackson. Here's a sample of what she obtained. Watch.


JOE JACKSON, FATHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: Don't worry, I'm strong like you. And so I knew that he was really meaning exactly what he said.

KATHERINE JACKSON, MOTHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: You know, he was strong and he said, mother, don't worry, it's not the truth. You know, they can't do anything about -- but I told him, you don't know these wicked people. The people are just mean and wicked. I know it's not the truth.


KING: Daphne, how did you get this?

DAPHNE BARAK, HOST, EXEC PROD, "OUR SON, MICHAEL JACKSON": Just to be fair, Larry, we have two executive producers, Elizabeth Meredith and I. We were doing another documentary with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, completely different. And in the middle of the shooting, we got a phone call from the parents, and from everybody else that Michael is going to be arrested. And of course, we -- it just came very natural that we taped an immediate interview with the parents. They wanted to respond. And we were there in any event. And that's how it happened.

KING: Did they put any restrictions on you, Daphne?

BARAK: It was so spontaneous, they were in a state of shock. There was not even a discussion about that.

KING: How did you -- I'm sorry go ahead.

BARAK: They were in total pain. You have to understand that when we taped the interview, I think the arrest was Thursday and it was in the weekend immediately. And Katherine Jackson was going through a terrible pain. Both of them, by the way, were going through a terrible pain. But Katherine was going through the physical pain. And she had a terrible pain in her back. She was trying to look very, very brave. But it was really a very difficult situation to tape this interview.

KING: Let's show the audience another example of what Daphne Barak obtained from Katherine and Joe Jackson. Watch.


K. JACKSON: Some people are trying to accuse him of being a pedophile. That is not true. And they need to stop. And they need to stop saying he paid off the first thing, and he's not going to get away with it again. That is not the truth either.


KING: Daphne Barak, what were your impressions of his mother and father?

BARAK: I think I would separate the father and the mother. The father, you know, as everybody else I've heard many saying, and I think there's a misconception about Joe Jackson. He's, from what I have seen, during the last few weeks, and when you shoot a documentary, Larry, you know you're really becoming very, very part of the family for a few weeks. He's a caring father. And for example, when Michael was about to release his single, just before the arrest, he was working the phone 24/7, just to help him to get further publicity. Now, about the mother, which that was a really big surprise, because she really rarely speaks. She is a very intelligent person. Not only a caring and loving and warm person, but she's very strong. And she is definitely -- you know, she called herself "The Rock." I mean, she's definitely part of the success of the family, and part of the legend. And she feels she should have been credited more for their success. And it looks that way.

KING: Were they shocked that Michael likes to spend so much time with young children?

BARAK: Their explanation -- and again, I'm not going to go to what you or I or everybody's thinks -- they're very convincing that he's actually -- he was brought up to help people. And he basically that's part of helping people and helping children. And I've spent enough time with them to know that that's not only what they said on camera, that's really what they feel and what they believe.

KING: They have pledged, have they not, to adopt his three children if the authorities try to take them away?

Did you cover that?

BARAK: Yes. And by the way, it's not just a slogan, it's very serious. We taped they were about to leave to Las Vegas and take action. And there was discussion afterwards which I was present. They're just very worried if there's an attempt to take the kids, they don't want the kids to end up outside the family. And they're very united, by the way, both Joseph and Katherine Jackson. They spend a lot of time together. They're very united. And absolutely determined that if something goes wrong, they're moving in and taking the kids.

KING: Do they have a fear like a conspiracy against Michael?

Do they understand why these people are pressing charges against him?

How do they react to it?

BARAK: I mean, when it comes to the conspiracy, of course, they have many thoughts, that they bounce back and forth with their attorney, and with other people. But I really think that deep down, they don't really understand why it's happening to him, and why it's happening to them. I mean, don't forget, in every such a story, you know, two ends are two families, you know. And basically they really feel they are the victims. There's not even a question mark in their mind.

KING: Where did you conduct the interview?

BARAK: I conducted the interview watched on Friday in the house in Los Angeles. They just came immediately -- it was just immediately after they came back from Vegas. They went to see Michael, and spent time with him. And basically they wanted to go with him when he was arrested. They wanted to show like a family solidarity. But there was some kind of mixup between them and Michael's people. And they had to go back to Los Angeles. By the time they arrived in Los Angeles, and they wanted to be with him, he already flew back to Vegas. So they decided to stay in Los Angeles. And that's where we conducted the interview, at their house.

KING: If this comes to a trial, would you expect them to be there for it?

BARAK: Oh, definitely, every moment, every second. There is not even a doubt in my mind. That's what they're doing right now. It's really around the clock. I mean, calling him, calling anybody who might help. They're very resourceful, both of them.

KING: Do they have complete faith in his attorneys?

BARAK: I would think so. I mean, Joe just had a concern that maybe because the high profile attorney is doing two high profile cases right now, he had some question marks about it. But I'm sure by now, it's resolved, because the attorney promised him that he could do both cases. And I'm sure that any attorney who felt otherwise wouldn't have taken two cases like that.

KING: And there's no question in their minds about his innocence, right?

I mean, they don't even show a hint of, could they be what they say he is?

BARAK: Oh, no. Actually, I was very surprised when I interviewed both of them, that Mrs. Jackson used the word pedophile. I mean, that's a very scary word for a mother to use about her child. I mean, I would be shocked. And basically she did use it, because she's so convinced that it's not her child. That she didn't have any problem to use it. On the contrary.

KING: Thank you, Daphne. Good job.

BARAK: Thank you very much.

KING: Daphne Barak, the host and executive producer of "Our Son, Michael Jackson."

When we come back, the regular panelists will join us. And we'll give it ago again. The arrest warrant is expected Thursday or Friday. Here's another excerpt from that interview as we go to break.


BARAK: They're talking right now that there would be an attempt to take his kids from him. You're not going to sitting around...

J. JACKSON: We're not going to let anybody take those kids. They're Michael's kids. They have no right to try to take those kids. There's going to be a big mess over that.

BARAK: What are you going to do as a grandmother?

K. JACKSON: I hope they don't try to take his children, that would be devastating to him. But if they do, I'll be right there.

BARAK: Would you try to adopt them?

K. JACKSON: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.


