Rita Cosby on The Factor talking about being at Neverland


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:note: Part 1: http://site.mjeol.com/modules/mydownloads/...hp?cid=7&lid=25
:note: Part 2: http://site.mjeol.com/modules/mydownloads/...hp?cid=7&lid=26

Air date: Unknown, but some time before Jan 11 2004

HOST: Is it true? You actually met this boy? Tell us about this?

RITA COSBY: I actually saw him. I was at Neverland. I got a private tour through some friends. Said 'Do you wanna come to Neverland?' I said, 'of course'. These are one of these places that you never get access to. And I went in there with my producer on February 21 of this year [2003]. We were not allowed to take pictures, but we basically spent the whole day there.

I saw this place. It is a fantasy land. As soon as you walk in, there's an ice cream cart. There's candy everywhere. Everything is free, whatever you want. There's an arcade. There's unlimited games, unlimited rides. Animals.

HOST: Like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

COSBY: And I saw the boy there, because this was just after the Martin Bashir video. And the boy, as we know, has been reported--we're of course not saying the name. But he was in that video, and I said, 'Isn't that the boy in the video?' And they said absolutely. It looked like he was with his mother, possibly also his other siblings. He looked happy. He looked healthy. He looked like he was enjoying it. And this is around the same time that now we know the allegations are stemming from.


Part 2

HOST:…learning a lot about the Jackson's defense strategy. And as we know, this family of this boy has just been in uproar for some period of time. What's the Jackson defense strategy likely to be?

COSBY: It's going to be clearly attack the mother's credibility. Also go after the credibility of the boy. I mean, as I said, I saw this boy happy. This was the end of February. This is when now we're hearing that they were alleging that these things were taking place. What we're hearing is as early as January [2003], I'm told back then that mother was saying, 'I'm gonna to go the tabloids. I'm gonna cause problems.' Didn't alleged child abuse back then. Just said 'I'm gonna come up with some stories and make things look bad for you.'

She wanted apparently a house. She's being put up in an apartment sponsored by Michael Jackson. So she wanted more money, more things. And they sense that there was gonna be trouble. So back then, I'm told, as early as January, they actually brought in two men specifically from the Jackson team to stay at Neverland, to keep an eye on this mother. Then they got her on video tape, which we reported exclusively last week, saying everything's fine. 'I love Michael Jackson'. Also, have the boy saying that.

They also got written statements. They have a number of eye witnesses who were there at Neverland who [are] gonna say they [the family] were happy. I'm also told that they also have some employees who are gonna say that this mother was high on crack at Neverland. So they're gonna go after her credibility. They're gonna dig into anything in the background and say that this was all about greed.