Save a DRAFT of a post before you post it


Staff member

  • [*:n1nhlszv] Log in and start to post or reply to a topic like always.
    [*:n1nhlszv] When you're finished or when you want to come back to this post later, scroll down until you see the SAVE button
    [*:n1nhlszv] This will save a DRAFT of your post for you.
    [*:n1nhlszv]Please note this: [bg=cyan]Please note that saved drafts only include the subject and the message, any other element will be removed.[/bg]

To use your DRAFT

  • [*:n1nhlszv] Log in to post or reply to a topic as usual. Only this time you should see an extra button called "LOAD" at the bottom of the post page
    [*:n1nhlszv]Click LOAD to load a post from your saved DRAFTS
    [*:n1nhlszv]Once you do that, you'll see a list of all the drafts you've saved. Select the one you want to load and it'll automatically add it to the message box for you.

To manage your DRAFTS

  • [*:n1nhlszv] Log in and navigate to your User Control Panel
    [*:n1nhlszv] Click "Manage Drafts" from the menu to the left
    [*:n1nhlszv] You should now see a list of your saved drafts. There, you can delete it, load it or edit it

:nav Your draft will be deleted after submitting this post.