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  1. J

    My uncle saw Mj..

    Don't know how interesting this is really but I just talked to my uncle yesterday and he told me he'd seen Michael in a recording studio in L.A when he recorded the Invincible album. I was actually quite mad that he'd never told me this before.. But anyway, he said that everytime Michael had to...
  2. J

    What can you post?

    I'm just curious since I posted a new thread where I asked what people would do if Michael was found guilty, it was deleted and I have no idea why.. So it would be lovely if someone could explain to me why cuz in my opinion it wasn't offensive or anything so it just made me wonder if we aren't...
  3. J

    If he\'s found guilty

    Hey hey.. I know I havent posted in here for way too long.. Just wanted to know what you guys what do if Michael's found guilty. Personally I don't think I'd believe it at all ( cuz he's innocent ) but it would just make everything so much more complicated! Like how am I going to convince all...