\"A Brand New Day\" - The Wiz


New member
Hey you guys, i remember a while ago we had a big discuss on the ppl who sung in the movie, and we saw Luther Vandross name in the credits for this song but we only found that he wrote the song, but it also had his name in the credits for singing but we didn't hear him....
LOL I was just listening to the song and heard him, He is the first person to sing on the track the first male voice that sings.. "Everybody Look Around, Cause There's A Reason To Be Joyous You See"
Take a listen

A Brand New Day - http://s21.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3R44M64...B10ZB1IJBYXGL6I


New member
I got this one from my friend Jenny :) she sended it to me but I didn't listen to, I had no time at all last night and my computer were bluffing so i had to restart the whole damn thing but I am sure going to listent to it when i get home


New member
Ooh okay! :lol: I think i had asked the question; it had me scratching my head wondering why the hell Luther was listed.

Thanks for this. :D