Abrams Report: Judge\'s Asinine Decisions (Oct 14 2004)


Staff member
'The Abrams Report' for Oct. 14

ABRAMS: We‘re back. A big win for the prosecution today in the Michael Jackson case in what some said could be a make or break motion for this entire case. The defense had asked the judge to throw out evidence prosecutors had collected. Today, in addition to battling over an “Abrams Report” exclusive in the courtroom, there were two important rulings, one, the judge said he will allow most of the evidence in dispute into the trial, the other that the criminal indictment against Jackson stands.

I‘m joined now by “Santa Barbara News Press” staff for hire (PH), Dawn Hobbs who was in the courtroom today.

ABRAMS: Dawn, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it.

All right, so lay out for us...


ABRAMS: Basically–basically what is the judge allowing in, and why is it so important?

HOBBS: The judge is only suppressing 16 of more than 150 items that were seized at the Netherland Ranch. The defense had asserted that the raid there was illegal, because they said that the officers went into areas not authorized on the warrant. However, the judge said that–that they will allow that evidence in. There was also a big to do about the raid at the private investigator‘s office, Bradley Miller. The defense contended that–that the prosecutor violated attorney/client privilege with that raid...

ABRAMS: They should have known, right?

HOBBS: ...and wanted all of that tossed out.

ABRAMS: You are saying essentially that they should have known...

HOBBS: They said that they should have known...

ABRAMS: They should have known this guy was working for Geragos.

HOBBS: Exactly.

ABRAMS: The judge didn‘t accept that argument?

HOBBS: No, the judge did not.

ABRAMS: Tell us–give us a sense of what items he is keeping out of evidence. Anything important that the judge is saying prosecutors cannot admit it?

HOBBS: It is not known at this point exactly what evidence will be kept out.

ABRAMS: And is this considered–I mean, this is considered a big win (UNINTELLIGIBLE). A lot of time in these pretrial motions everyone expects that the evidence is going to come in, but here the defense actually had some serious arguments as to why some of the evidence should be excluded.

HOBBS: Well, this is a big win for the prosecution, especially given that he is allowing the indictment to stand. You remember the defense alleged that Tom Sneddon boldly threatened and intimidated witnesses during the grand jury proceedings and presented inadmissible evidence, and the judge said, “No, we‘re going to let this indictment stand.” He did, however, note that the D.A.‘s conduct was what he called “regrettable” while questioning a couple of witnesses. But, he said that it was not enough to throw aside the indictment.

ABRAMS: Dawn Hobbs, thanks very much. We appreciate it.

HOBBS: Thank you.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6254369/