AdLLaw Update Nov 1, 2013


New member
Change Subject title so all info on AdLLaw (Anti-defamation Legacy Law) could go under one topic.

Original Subject Title:  Have you had enough?

Came online late today.  Did a little a cruising and saw comments that stopped me in my tracks.

"Well that will show Wade and any others that try to cheat Michael.  The big TV media is not paying it any attention so they don't believe it either." (for how long & why not?)

"The courts are going to send him packing."  (says who?)

"They show it a lot on NBC but nobody really watches NBC."  (really????.  I think everyone is sick of the Jodi Arias trial....trial by TV.....& Death Watch)

There were more, many while optimistic they were not hiding head in sand.  (sorry Ladies)

You cannot cover all bases in life, but if there are trouble spots you try to take care of them.

It is like living in a fairly or very nice area and suddenly there are reports of burglary and property destruction.  The report showed the homes where the burglaries took place and were not touched had either a dog or some visible warning about security.

It does not mean a determined burglar could not get in, but why go to you when your neighbor is unprotected or makes it easy?

The sight of the dog or security sign is a deterrent and their physical presence is a tool.

I haven't heard enough to judge what I think is at the root of Wade's allegation.  Fame, money, revenge or coercion, but one thing which may have been a deterrent and if that did not work, could be a possible tool against this slander is the California Anti-defamation Legacy Law.  (CADeFLAW)

What will it take.... another to come up with their new and improved story?  Watching Taj Jackson hounded by the Tabloids and turned into the newest Late Night Host or Comedian joke because told how his Michael tried to protect him from the very thing Michael is being accused of?

Please sign the new petition and if you have, then reach out to receptive people and groups in California and ask them reach out to people and groups they may know in California.

Please go to:  CADEFLAW