An Interesting look at MJ


New member
I had an interesting descussion the other day about Michael Jackson and his persona. Nothing nasty was said about him but the subject of femininity came up. We have all seen Michael coming accross as a gently spoken and well mannered individual. This may have led some to think he is more feminin than masculin for a straight male, because of this persona he has. I am not sugesting he is homosexual or whatever, this is just an observation. I guess we all have certain feminine or masculine qualities to us all. What makes us who we are may really have nothing to do with our sexual orientation, race, or religeon. I believe Michael is proof of this and more. Perhaps more men should be like MJ, following his way of the gentle kindness he projects to us. This is why MJ is so unique; he is being his own man in his own way he knows best.


New member
You know what? I totally agree with you. He is totally well mannered and totally polite. He doesnt talk roughly at all to people. He is always very calm and soft spoken. Its such a wonderful quality about it and its one of the things that attracks a lot of us to him. And whats wrong with being feminine? I absolutely die for men who are feminine is some way. I really find it to be a beautiful thing. You cant bash me for thinking this and deny that Michael has some more feminine like qualities. He wears eyeliner and always has his eye makeup done perfectly, He has long hair. But its also totally obvious that Michael is as heterosexual as they come. My boyfriend is quite feminine and I love it. Soo dont take offence to what I said because there is nothing wrong with have some feminine qualities. I have plenty of masculine qualities and lots of other women do too.


New member
Thank you for that lovely reply. And that stuff about your boyfreind was very nice. He sounds really cool. I am a heterosexual male and I like that in anyone as much as you, I think. I am still into my manly things; power tools, sports, cars. Showing that feminine side is more so when we are at our most intimate, like when we are with the one true love of our lives. Why are so many men afraid to show this God given gift more openly?

If more people were like MJ the world could be a better place... Correction, the world WILL be a better place. :)


New member
I do agree with you too !
Actually I don't see nothing bad if he would be gay, and sometimes people still react bad to such a possibility. I think he does have a big feminine part, and we don't need to list things like hair, make-up and else... he does express a woman side.

I'm always shoked when people say he's doing things to prove he's not gay...
actually I do think he does what he wants, whatever people think, that's what I like, because he probably is one of the most gentle person on earth, he can be "the one you can't say who he is"
he could be gay, he could be not, he could be a man or a woman, and he could black or white, yeah... whatever he is Michael Jackson, and as soon as you can go behond all these, you can deal with more important stuff

I say, I'm bi-sexual, and I like Michael androgyn image, quite unique and very gentle.


New member
I say, I'm bi-sexual, and I like Michael androgyn image, quite unique and very gentle.

I am bisexual too but I prefer other women. I almost consider myself to be a lesbian. And I think being feminine is beautiful.

Baby girl

New member
Originally posted by coco
he could be gay, he could be not, he could be a man or a woman, and he could black or white, yeah... whatever he is Michael Jackson, and as soon as you can go behond all these, you can deal with more important stuff.
That was very well said and so true. I totally agree with you Coco.



New member
Alot of good points were made but I dont think people take into account that he is an ENTERTAINER, I highly doubt he would be the way he was if he wasnt in the spotlight since he was five.He is low spoken and well mannered because thats the way he was raised thru his family,past religion and shyness.If Michael didnt have a skin condition/disease I dont think he would be wearing make-up cause if you look back before Michael had it he wouldnt wear make-up either way I think he looks beautiful with it and many if not ALL performers wear make-up.As for the long hair Michael is just a straight up OG, look at the OG hall of fame;Snoopn Dogg,The late great Rick James,Prince,James Brown and now Lenny Kravitz they are all OG's and rock the long silky hair.
If he was gay I would have no problem about it just normal "masculine" men never had the up bringing or circumstances growing up that he did so I dont really think its fair nor right to compare him to your average joe.


New member
He's the only one with the balls enough to show his feminine qualities......thats what makes him a real man!

I'm straight as an arrow...and i dont like michael like other people on this board do (hehe)....but he still sets the standard in my dating book


New member
Aye, I know what you mean. :p I'm a straight male and I just appreciate Michael so much. I love him but not like a female would. I would call him brother or something like that instead :D


Staff member
The hell is up with this 'feminine' qualities? What? B/c he isn't a netherthal? B/C he's not crushing beer cans on his head?? I mean at some point it's gonna have to dawn on society that can be very 'male' and STILL be thoughtful and soft-spoken. I don't think that's 'feminine' at all, nor do I buy that he's feminine.

I think he's 'childlike'. And in this society, anything other than the extreme alpha-male behavior is seen as 'feminine'. So no I don't think he's feminine. I think he's childlike and since he's a man, people confuse that with 'feminity'.


Originally posted by whisper
The hell is up with this 'feminine' qualities? What? B/c he isn't a netherthal? B/C he's not crushing beer cans on his head?? I mean at some point it's gonna have to dawn on society that can be very 'male' and STILL be thoughtful and soft-spoken. I don't think that's 'feminine' at all, nor do I buy that he's feminine.

I think he's 'childlike'. And in this society, anything other than the extreme alpha-male behavior is seen as 'feminine'. So no I don't think he's feminine. I think he's childlike and since he's a man, people confuse that with 'feminity'.

Thank you!! I don't think Michael's personality is feminine at all. Maybe his looks..but I'd call that androgynous. He doesn't dress like a woman at all.

After watching that shit on Vh1, I was so disgusted because of how feminine they made him, especially that scene where Flex is on the bed with 'Elizabeth'. Michael isn't like that at all.

We've all seen candid footage of Michael, and he's not always all 'peter pan and children!'.

Michael is himself. I wouldnt categorize that.

Another thing, people exaggerate Michael's voice. In the past, yes, it was softer. But now days, it really isn't that high at all. Especially when you see him in concert.


New member
I love how Michael isn't afraid to show his true emotions, speak his mind and express his love clearly, without being worried about not looking like some kind of 'macho' man. I think this is the main thing people will pin point to Michael being gay, so to speak, because he's not all manly in that sterotypical way. He loves children in this heart wrenching way that just reminds you of a motherly nature, he cries and he admits to it like it's no big deal-men men just don't do that! But, I think Michael's like this, not because he is gay at all...but because he is SO secure with his sexuality, and doesn't feel the need to act all macho. It's just not the way he is, he's not like other guys, as he once said lol. There's also the make up thing, but like Feli said, a lot of reason behind that is because of his disease, but people just don't tend to think like that. They think 'oh he wears make up and had these operations to look like a woman' blablabla, all that kinda shit. So not true.

I love how he isn't afraid to say what he thinks, how he feels-he is one of very few people who do that. People just misjudge him, not understand what he really is about, and therefore label him as something wrong.


because he is SO secure with his sexuality, and doesn't feel the need to act all macho

Exactly. Michael knows what he likes, he doesn't have to act a certain way just to prove it to people.

minnie michael

New member
oh yeah i agree with what Whisper said..but i have no problem about other people said...i mean when i became a fan of Michael, i heard a lof of people said Michael looks like a girl, at that time i was just a kid and honesty i couldnt stand those comment on him and i cried a lot... :praying:

include my parents they gave me ignorant comment about how Michael looks, but right now i wanna say my parents TOTALLY changed their opinion about Michael.... :snorkel: after i let my daddy watch Michael sign cd for fans in 01.. my daddy was absolutely touched by Michael's politeness and gentle, my daddy said: aww.. Michael is sooo nice to fans and he doesnot look like a super star just like a friend to the fansss.... " i was soo proud about that... :console
and i do agree with what Whisper said, Michael's soft-spoken voice and his sweetness and his tender just come out his childlike quality,
and yes maybe Michael is NOT that kind of strong man like those sports man, i mean physically strong man, but that's Michael's own unique part,maybe he like to wear make-up or something but i canot see problem about that..he is charminggggg guy there is no denyinggg.... looks at those crazy fans on his show, and looks at those faint girls in front of him.... that prove everythingggggg...... :morethana :morethana


New member
Good points, Whisper. But we are just saying that it's these qualities that makes him so great. I am trying to follow his lead and it's making me feel better about myself and my manhood. Being human. Many people take for granted what it really means to be human and Michael reminds us all of how we should be. We can all do our own things but through our lives we should give more thought to who are and respecting others equally. Children are the best example of showing basic human qualities, and I think this is one of the reasons Michael is so attached to children. It is sad that other people don't see that about him, but I geuss that's just how it is. There are some non-fans that think he is given a raw deal, though.

Michael Jackson will never change unless he wants to. He doesn't see anything wrong with always being around children, and the children only see Michael as a fun loving and kind-hearted human being.

minnie michael

New member
we do love Michael because he is a 100% open and straight man,he has never wear a mask in front of people, i mean he has never acted a kind of way that doesnot really him..Michael is not that kind of person who like to do a show in front of people, he cry everytime he want and he show his love to those people he love... he is not afraid what he did will make people misunderstand him...he do everything out of his heart... :praying: i admire his personality, everybody need to learn something from Michael, do what you like to do... go your own way, and ignorant nonsense and rubbish...


New member
I wouldn't hate him if he was gay, I'd still love him but I don't want him to be. Bi-sexual is fine but not straight up gay, it gives me hope, LOL!


Originally posted by minnie michael
we do love Michael because he is a 100% open and straight man,he has never wear a mask in front of people, i mean he has never acted a kind of way that doesnot really him..Michael is not that kind of person who like to do a show in front of people, he cry everytime he want and he show his love to those people he love... he is not afraid what he did will make people misunderstand him...he do everything out of his heart... :praying: i admire his personality, everybody need to learn something from Michael, do what you like to do... go your own way, and ignorant nonsense and rubbish...

Yup. Michael personality is the main thing that attracts me to him. I've never gotten a gay vibe from him..because you can tell it's just him. He's not like 'OMG girlfriend, that is soo hot!'. :laugh

Just himself, no pretense. And if you look at his brothers and sisters, they are almost the same way in the way the say things.


New member
Everyone knows I like Michael. Some of my friends tease me about it. Not very nice that but I laugh it right back at them. Nothing will stop me from telling people he is innocent. never once have I said he could be guilty. And when people ask me how do I know, I just say it's not about about how I know, I just KNOW.


New member
Perhaps more men should be like MJ, following his way of the gentle kindness he projects to us. This is why MJ is so unique; he is being his own man in his own way he knows best.
Bingo, Phil. Can u say it louder? He's just being himself. It's how he was raised and subsequently, the way he chooses to live his life. When is the LAST time Michael conformed to what society deems 'manly'? Never! I just don't understand the way people think nowadays. Michael J. Jackson is nobody's puppet, and that makes people want to put labels on him, calling him this and that. They can't control him or get him to be what is more comfortable to them, so they try and discredit who he is.

He's a man.