Colorization? Question.


New member
woo i figured it out.

this is really brief but its sort of a tutorial

ok once youve got your original black and white pic in photoshop add a new layer and pick a colour it can be any color to start with but pick a bright one. spray with the brush where you want the colour to go it doesnt have to be perfect at this stage. then change the blend mode to something like either overlay or softlight - personally i like softlight. then if youve gone over any bits just add a layer mask and whip out the bits you dont need. then change so that your selection is on the color and not the mask and do hue saturation so that you can change the color to what you think it should be (in terms of skin tone color) or what you would like it to be. continue this until you have completed colouring. another thing with the skin tones and colors you may also want to adjust the balance of the color not only the hue saturation

hope that helps


New member
Okay I'm having a problem lol I picked a color but for some reason its not coming out. Its gray instead (no matter what color I pick) lol


New member
yep i know whats happened

what you need to do first sorry is copy the original picture, and create a new pic in either RGB or CMYK and then past the black and white pic in there. that way you will have colour. sorry forgot about that