Does anyone here have piercings?


New member
I've been wanting a piercing for a long time. I think a tongue piercing would be out of the question because I grind my teeth at night. A cousin of mine had a tongue piercing and would also grind her teeth in her sleep and cracked a tooth. ouch!

I had a bad experience with two ear cartilage piercings that led me all the way to the doctor's office and then to the emergency room. They got infected because they used a gun that they probably never cleaned instead of a needle at this jewelry shop. So I went to the doc and he gave me some medicine. Turns out I was highly allergic to this medicine and was getting real sick from it...fevers, marks all over my body, skin turning different color. *shudders*

I'm thinking of a nose piercing. But I've heard that they hurt and take a while to heal...I don't want to get sick and go the emergency room again!  :(

Anyone have any advice if you have any? Tell me about your piercings.


New member
I have my bellybutton, nose and ears pierced. My nose was unbelievably painful, some people seem to go through it fine but others say it's one of the worse ones to get done. I've taken it out now though. I would say it's something you'd really want to have to get done, I have a feeling your pain tolerance is probably like mine.
I don't know what the regulations are over there, but over here piercing guns aren't allowed to be used anymore.
Also if you have Essential Beauty over there- hell-to-the-no. I refuse to go in there anymore, they are so crap.


New member
I mean the pain I can take but the thing with mine was the infection. My ear cartilage piercings got so bad that a massive bump grew around the piercings and when I tried to take the earrings my ear bled a lot. It hurt so much. I hated how they used that gun. But I signed a contract stating how if something happened they were not responsible. Bastards...

They should get rid of guns here too.

Did it hurt to have your belly button pierced?


New member
I have my tongue pierced. I thought it had closed up, but lo and behold I stuck a paper clip through it the other day! Now I have to go get a new tongue ring because I don't have anymore! :(


New member
Well I had some stuff put on it to make it go numb so it didn't hurt, it kind of felt like someone pressing on it but that was it. I'm a total coward so you know if I tell you something doesn't hurt it actually doesn't! haha


New member
I have my eyebrow pierced in 8th grade, the only thing that hurt really bad was when he clamped my skin to put the needle through.  I'm actually currently debating whether I should take it out for good or not.


New member
I'm afraid to get anything pierced on my face area because...won't it leave a nasty hole? Someone today showed me how her nose looked without her nose piercing and you could see the hole. It looked nasty...I don't want a noticeable hole on my nose. I know that's the consequence that comes with a nose or eyebrow or even lip piercing.


R e a f u

New member
Hey there!  I have 6 piercings to my name(navel, earlobes[2 each], left cartilage) and all have healed nicely.  I sort of want to pierce my tongue but I've heard it can damage your teeth(and after wearing braces twice in my life...not risking it!) and then there's the whole stigma that a woman with a pierced tongue only has it to use on a man(or a bunch of men).  Last time I checked, I don't give off a whorish vibe and I sure don't want to start now  :mad:!

The only slightly annoying experience I had with a piercing was 2 winters ago this gross puss stuff was coming from the cartilage piercing.  I think it was the result of getting a little shampoo into the piercing hole and not washing it out completely  :(. As for nose piercings, if I had a smaller nose, then maybe.  But then my older sister has one hell of a beak...j/k


New member
Well hello!

I have 9 piercings in total.
Left ear has two helix, a rook and a lobe
Right ear has two lobe
I have both nostrils pierced
One nipple.

The only one that really hurt was the rook. The lobes hurt as I always think of them as 'easy' piercings as it's just flesh rather than cartilidge but they do hurt me!

All the advice I have is go to a studio (NOT Claire's) that only uses needles. Have a look around, make sure you feel comfortable and that everything seems clean. Make sure they use a new needle for whatever piercing they're about to do on you, make sure they wash their hands and then put gloves on.
After the piercing, LEAVE IT ALONE! So many people (including a friend of mine) want different jewellery in said piercing within 2 days and decide to swap it. Please don't do this. Unless you're lucky it'll get very irritated and can develop bumps which although aren't particularly dangerous are a little painful and not exactly pretty.
Unless you have a lot of piercings already I recommend you go back to the studio you were pierced at (if you were happy with them) for the first jewellery change.

Other than that.. good luck!

**Quick Edit**
Also, please don't pierce yourself (again, unless you properly know how). My younger sister tried with a safety pin, was in a lot of pain and it ended up wonky anyway. Luckily it didn't get infected.


New member
I have lots of piercings, some I regret...some I don't. My biggest regrets? My lip and my eyebrow. i have fair skin that rejected those two, and it left a tiny scar behind when I finally took them both out. I'm a trained tattoo artist and piercer however, and I second what privacy had to say. Don't do it yourself. I've done every kind of piercing in the book and you can really cause some damage if you are not a professional. :blackeye

i do miss my tongue piercing, that one was fun. But I took it out and those close so quickly I never got it back in. My ears are each pierced 5-6 times each, but I never wear earrings anymore. lol kinda pointless.

only piercing I always have in is the one in my nose.


New member
Noooo. I'm too scared to get a piercing. Which is weird, as I have a tattoo already. I know, makes no sense whatsoever. :-\