Friedman is still kicking it at Fox


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[Jackson's] Accuser's Mom: Don't Cry for Her

News last week that Janet Arvizo, the mother of Michael Jackson's teen accuser, is being prosecuted on charges of welfare fraud.

You may recall that she pled the Fifth Amendment during the Jackson trial because she didn't want to incriminate herself. But it came out clearly in testimony given by others that Arvizo had applied for welfare at the same time she received a $150,000 settlement in a civil suit against JC Penney.

She also allegedly "laundered" her welfare checks through her boyfriend's bank account, according to testimony she and her now husband gave in court.

We could feel sorry for Janet Arvizo: After all, she was put up to the trial by Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon. In his zealousness to prosecute Jackson for anything, he used Arvizo. He didn't care to do any kind of background check on her before exposing her to possible prosecution of her own. Arvizo has every right to feel burned.

On the other hand: It seemed when she testified that not only was Arvizo lying about Jackson but also appeared to be very damaged, mentally.

More on Arvizo and her welfare fraud problems later this week...


New member
Originally posted by alfredo,2933,167278,00.html

We could feel sorry for Janet Arvizo: After all, she was put up to the trial by Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon. In his zealousness to prosecute Jackson for anything, he used Arvizo. He didn't care to do any kind of background check on her before exposing her to possible prosecution of her own. Arvizo has every right to feel burned.

Excuse me? I should feel sorry for her - what planet are we on?!?!

This is a woman that told her son to lie that he'd been sexually molested in order to get money. Fact. Not only has she put Michael through hell - not to mention his family - but her kid will live the rest of his life with this court case and the allegations they made hanging over him. She's despicable - and to make it worse, when she wasn't in court trying to ruin Michael's life and career, she was illegally claiming benefit.


New member
Mentally disordered people are only to feel sorry for...and loathed...There is no cure for them, God beware!...