I had a go at the radio station


New member
Well yesterday at the begining it was good, coz I was about to go out when I thought I should check the tv 'just in case' and as soon as I turned it on there was all this hecticness so I freaked. It said that the jury was about to read out the verdict and then when I changed the channel to see if it was all over the tv I saw the most beutiful words created NOT GUILTY so of course I was so happy. but by the end of the day there was all this negativity and jokes on tv and on the radoi andi started thinking 'what the hell is it going to take for this guy to earn some respect?'. When it was about 8:30pm my whole day, what should have been the greatest day of my life, had officially been ruiined. Coz on the radio they were having a 'what would you say if you were Michael' competition which of course had really horrible people phoning up, plus one of the two people on the radio was saying jokes, so I ended up practicly having a breakdown and i nearly threw my stereo. I got really angry and decided to phone them up and have a go at them, but when the girl (one of the two people) answered I just said 'f*ck you' and burst into tears. She was like 'excuse me?' like she wasn't impressed and I just stared yelling 'why can't you just leave Michael alone? You have no idea how many people are affected by this, I'm sick of people giving him crap'. She was really shocked and and upset and started appologising coz she knew I was devistated and she said 'oh honey, Im a huge Michael Jackson fan, I used to make my dad read me Moonwalk when I went to bed, just remember that he has been found not guilty' so I said 'well why are people still giving him shit?' she said 'who has said stuff to you?' and I said 'all over the tv and radio people have been giving him crap, I feel like Im going insane'. Then she said that she will tell Lowie (the guy making jokes) to stop and she asked what my name was but I said I didn't want to say. Then when I went and listened to the radio Lowie went from calling him a baby dangler to 'the king of pop' and 'he is not guilty' and 'he is great'. :D they still had thestupid comp where someone won a FRAMED PICTURE OF MICHAEL GRRRR so I don't thinkanyone would have really noticed much, but I knew that coz I cried, I made a difference...

So I was wondering, can you guys maybe email him at lowie@hot30.com and pledge your support saying to stop giving him shit coz Michael is innocent? PLEASE?! we must stand together to stop the crap coz as many people know 'Michaels fans don't take no s*it and I want this guy to know it.