Is it or is it NOT your duty to report a \'CRIME\'???


New member
As I was listening to Larry King Live last night a caller made a comment about the 'NEVERLAND FIVE' and the fact that they refused to report the 'molestations' they claimed to have witnessed. Now the question was if they could be charged for not reporting it.
One of the panel guest answered by saying: "legally, NO" because they are not doctors,nurses,teachers etc, but "morally YES".
He went on to say that people in those positions are legally responsible to report such cases if they were to witness or be told about such a case.

-The 'NEVERLAND FIVE' seems to have lack 'MORALS' :yuk

-.....Golly...I forgot...

-They really are a group of money grubbing-houseaides-security ALIENS from the planet $$$$IDIOTICA that's ruled with an ironfist by DARTH-SNEBBUMD and his wives CRUELLA DISGRACE & MOJO DUMBASS!!! :wink

Well let me ask you this!

since 1994 why has NO one called the police to report any wrong doing on Michael Jackson? BOOya!! In yo face!! :banana-mu ( to the media )


New member
Originally posted by koprulestheworld
Well let me ask you this!

since 1994 was has NO one called the police to report any wrong doing on Michael Jackson? BOOya!! In yo face!! :banana-mu ( to the media )

Yeah... he's definately a 'every 10 or so years serial pedophile' :lol:
Ya its all bull. Sneedy wanted more boys to come fourth!! The only thing that came fourth was the lies that have been in the book of lies from the past.


New member
The whole thing is ridiculous. All these people heard, saw, fetched, etc. something but no one reported it to the proper authorities? & there excuse is that they were so in fear because of Michael's money & power & the fear of losing their jobs? BULLSHIT! They could've all gotten other jobs, that excuse is just all too convenient & I don't believe it for a second.


New member
Originally posted by Cristine87
The whole thing is ridiculous. All these people heard, saw, fetched, etc. something but no one reported it to the proper authorities? & there excuse is that they were so in fear because of Michael's money & power & the fear of losing their jobs? BULLSHIT! They could've all gotten other jobs, that excuse is just all too convenient & I don't believe it for a second.

I so agree with you! :)



New member
Originally posted by Cristine87
The whole thing is ridiculous. All these people heard, saw, fetched, etc. something but no one reported it to the proper authorities? & there excuse is that they were so in fear because of Michael's money & power & the fear of losing their jobs? BULLSHIT! They could've all gotten other jobs, that excuse is just all too convenient & I don't believe it for a second.

On the subject of "fetched" something--that, right there, was the most inane claim of all and it was right of Judge Melville to not allow it to be mentioned. The guy was asked to bring to Michael a jar of Vaseline that he keeps in his CAR. Okay, if Mesereau were to ask a representative of the Cheseborough-Ponds company to be a witness on the stand and he asked him what the PURPOSE of the product was, what it is MADE for, he would answer something like this:

"Vaseline is a make-up remover, a skin softener, a very good remedy for chapped lips, and something that can be used to cover scrapes and rashes, to sooth and help heal skin wounds. It is excellent to use for baby diaper rash, too."

"Okay, I see," says Mesereau, "can it be used as a sexual lubricant?"

"That is not a recommended use," responds the Cheseborough-Ponds representative, "it's not really very slippery and besides, it is a petroleum-based product and therefore is not meant for internal use on the body. Also, it will degrade the latex of condoms and renders them ineffective for birth control or as a barrier against sexually-transmitted diseases. One should use a water-based product for that."

How many media pundits picked up on the false sexual innuendo by saying things like "The judge would't let Abdul testify about the lubricant he brought Michael Jackson...." What makes them call it a lubricant? It's a make-up remover, skin softener, chapped lips aid, or wound dressing. Aren't ALL of those good reasons why Michael Jackson might want to use Vaseline? Also, since he keeps it in the CAR (not in the bedroom), that might tell us something, too, not to mention the fact that if he were preparing for some kind of sex act, it would be highly unlikely he would be asking some other person to bring him something he wanted for that purpose.

Why was Michael all sweaty? (I'll skip the part about him apparently being "aroused" as that is absolute would Abdul know--I think Michael is just, uh, the imprint in his pajama bottoms might look, uh, he's just a black man and I'll leave it at that.) Uh, sweaty for a hundred different reasons! He might have been showing Jordy some dance moves, that certainly works up a sweat, and is a very likely thing for Jackson to do. Maybe Jordy had just tried the moves that Michael had done and ended up banging his arm against the wall or something and got a big scrape, so Michael wanted to put the Vaseline on the scrape. There are dozens of explanations as to why a "sweaty" Michael Jackson would want to use of some Vaseline, and NONE of them are sexual. To impose a sexual expectation on this tells us much much, much more about the mind of this WITNESS (and of the people who immediately JUMPED to this conclusion) than it tells us about Michael Jackson. So no wonder the judge wouldn't allow it...yet how many people will claim this was unfair favoritism toward Michael. No, it would have been a useless, meaningless testimony and meant no more than if Abdul had been asked to bring Michael a tube of toothpaste or a glass of water.