Liberals, Calm the f_ck down! Romney didn't stop being a douche overnight


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While watching the debate last night I was all: Obama should have done __!  Why isn't he saying __?!  I can't believe he didn't say ___!  My perspective changed a bit after I turned off cable news and exited the bubble of pundits who were behaving like ex-football players watching a game on TV and coaching from their couches in real time.First thing's first: To be blunt, Jim Lehrer could have stayed his ass at the house.  For real.  That's real talk.  He was ineffective and allowed one debater to talk over him like he was an inconsequential elderly man.  Lehrer also didn't seem to ask one follow up question which added to the public's understanding of the issues.But above all else during the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney behaved like the arrogant, angry douche I always thought he was.  View the full article