Lock Me Up


New member
about the Indigenous Australian sufference... ongoing...

excuse the profanity and the confronting metaphor - sexual abuse, used both literally and metaphorically. If you oppose, don't read :), if you read... enjoy and thank you muchly!

Lock me up.

Locked up
Thrown out, kill me before I die inside, about–about what sir?
What, you want to touch this over here?
Chastise my ugly
Corrupt me
Make my bones malleable and weak
Contort my form into a mimic of me… but how — how does it seem to be? That we preach, and on the street lies death and mirth and supreme ugly.
How is it I preach and parch this land, that blood that walks for minds…
Tribal disease
in smooth dichotomy
Grasped into notions upon a tree… writings and scriptures of ages
And fables
Untouched by man
And set aside by beast
As one, to walk from…
From the clutches of God into God’s humanity supremacy
Haha, it’s ugly, and funny… Not when you die?
Oh, but when our mother cries… it’s like a dream
Stories and books we write, and teach to our children —
Dormant are their hazy cries, and breath that speaks of foul remembrance
Remember the day he took us away? Daddy… yes daddy… oh, oh, oh, a mockery of our system. Into your lap I found my stale p****.
Bernadette and the other children… we swayed

Into smooth dichotomy
Planted your nation upon this soil…
The ashes of bones and loam, with the stench of stolen homes…
Build this phallic pride amongst my people,

This parched skin and false apparition
Your ghostly white that condemns our nature
Black dirt in the face of,
Everything you tried to be…
Marxist values and cold apathy
Dreams of ugly and dreams you would see
Jesus upon your cross, oh, ah, oh, ee…
Take me down, cut me up…
And hang me up,
For another f**k.

Too rude to handle?

Suck it. I heard him speak in the night.
In the dorm in ambivalent fright… the other animals, emerge from their cages
To a mind of self-flagellation
You enjoyed it?

Daddy, Christ upon the cross
Manufacture your lost soul
Take me to a place unknown
Return to nature, among bush and loam
Scare me out of skin and foam…
At the mouth as I adorn
This silk visage,
And dress for you…
Like your wife,

I take you too.


New member
omg Jodi.. that's so.. amazing. I love all the words and phrases in this. I was gonna quote my favourite bits but it's all of it. That is.. wow. <3