Looking at the positives


New member
As I have read through some of the posts since yesterday in which some wished that now the whole world would sing Michael's praises and declare his innocence - the apologies from Nancy Grace and people like her would automatically happen - I want to share my thoughts with you people to hopefully make you feel better about that.

If we took a pole of public opinion about Michael prior to this trial beginning I would guess you would have about 8 out of 10 folks who had serious doubts about him either from these allegations or from his change in appearance over the years, and sometimes one led to the other (my dad was like that). I would also venture to guess that Tom Sneddon was considered by the majority to be an upstanding individual as well as Judge Melville, even Martin Bashir, Nancy Grace, Diane Dimond, etc.

To be perfectly clear I am not saying that I am glad that Michael was charged with these allegations in order to get to this outcome, but rather just saying it has happened and perhaps it has had some good outcomes too.

Speculation has spun around him since the 93 allegations and he has never had a forum to address them. He is an extremely private individual and that unfortunately gave the public the opportunity to draw its own conclusions - about everything - his vitiligo, the molestation allegations, and numerous other crap that has been discussed at great lengths without his side of the story.

In the past 14 weeks we have seen a signifant shift in all of it. No, we will not see a 100% public vindication of Michael but there is definitely evidence of vindication that needs to be recognized and celebrated.

1) Back to my earlier comments about 8/10 people thinking the worst about him, we all no that many people stopped and rethought their positions on this when the evidence started to play itself out in the trial. Depending on what pole you were looking at public opinion was as high as 85% not guilty on some days.

2) The media who very much seemed unified on the guilty side at the beginning begain to be divided and even turned on each other to defend their positions. Those who began to believe in Michael's innocence stood their grounds and their voices rang out and touched many.

3) I have heard many media and professional discussing the less than ethical handling of this trial by Tom Sneddon and Judge Melville. These men have tarnished their reputations in the eyes of many - their actions brought into serious questioning and scrutiny. They have lost something too in all of this vendetta of Michael. Let use that same ratio - imagine before the trial nobody had reason to think anything bad about these men so perhaps they had 10/10 of the public opinion with confidence in what these men say and do. I would wager that that has dropped by half or more.

4) Many people got a chance to see Michael in a more personal way than ever before. His life was played out for the world. He is not some closet weirdo - but a regular guy - as said by Geraldo and others. I myself became a fan of a different magnitude after Martin's documentary - even with his terrible commentary running through the background - I got a chance to see Michael for real, hear his voice and his thoughts more than I had ever before since 1980 when I started to listen to his music. Martin Bashir might have thought he was smeering Michael's name when he put out the documentary but what he also did was make Michael's fans even more loyal than ever before and they have unleashed their vengence and hatred toward Bashir probably like he never ever imagined it to be.

5) I would seriously doubt that Martin Bashir will ever be given an interview with anybody credible again. Whether they like Michael Jackson or not, each of them would be thinking - what is this man going to do to double cross me? Martin Bashir's reputation is horrible now. He has lost something too.

6) Call me naive but I used to watch the news with complete confidence in the media. Not any longer. Watching the majority of them misquote what was happening in this Michael Jackson trial and ordeal I totally had my eyes opened. I will never believe a news source without questioning it first. I will teach my kids this lesson to. If I represent others in this world then we have to accept that the media have lost in credibility too.

7) None of these people who made up this group trying to take Michael Jackson down have even 1% of the love and adoration that Michael has from people in this world. Michael was able to see first hand just how important he is to people and that people believe in him. I would guess that he will be bolstered by that when he begins to move forward in his life.

Don't even get me started about the Arvirso's (whatever the spelling is). They are too stupid to recognize that they have lost too, were always lost so I am not even going to bother commenting on them.

So people keep your thoughts positive and lets wait and see what the future brings for our Michael.



New member
I hear what you are saying Tamiele, and I agree with everthing you stated.

I also believe that some and to include Michael's relatives now have a voice. And never mind the fact that MJ will be the one to get the biggest book deal out of this. He and Mez.

Now MJ and company can get on TV and in print media with their sides of the story. Now the truth about 93 can come out, even if not officially, but from some media writeup or leaks. Many people in the near future will be falling all over themsevles to get an interview with one or more of the Jackson clan. Many also in the media don't stand and have a chance for a glass of ice water in 'ell to gain one. The family will only give them to those in the media they deem to have been fair in all of this.

If Michael never hums another tune, it'll be fine with me. But, I think he will produce some more music and go to Africa to help many of the children over there to overcome some of the obstacles they face everyday if it is God's will. Michael is in the Guiness book of records for haven give to more charities than any other human being on earth. Over $50M. What a lover and giver. God loves his soul and will continue to use him as a tool for good.

Again, good triumped over evil and love did the same over hate, and for the most part. Those that spend many of their days hating and condeming others for whatever reason will never change. They don't seem to realize that they are only eating away at whatever spiritual sense they have left in their bodies, and if any. They don't realize that they are only hurting themselves in the long run. And they don't seem to mind how they will be judged by the Only One that matters when they leave this world.

I say let them stay dumb, deaf and blind, for they are some creepy crawling critters, and no better than any of the bugs and rodents that seem love the darkness.

God's Trumpet sounded loud and clear yesterday. It matters little and at this point what the ignorant and blinded say now. Hearing some of it makes me shake my head too. Yet, Michael is free. That is all that matters. For real. And trust me, some more of the truthful evidence about this case will come out, the accuser and his family will have more problems, the DA and them will have problems, and Michael will heal, carry on with his great works and love and raise his children whilst sharing his loving heart.

Does anyone truly believe that everyone else's SOULS are better than Michael's? I don't think so, and we know better.

Looking forward to hearing Mez tonight.


New member
6) Call me naive but I used to watch the news with complete confidence in the media. Not any longer. Watching the majority of them misquote what was happening in this Michael Jackson trial and ordeal I totally had my eyes opened. I will never believe a news source without questioning it first. I will teach my kids this lesson to. If I represent others in this world then we have to accept that the media have lost in credibility too.

That's one of the MAJOR things that have changed me, Tamiele: my perceptions and opinions of the media. I just don't trust them anymore, and I refuse to give them benefits of the doubt. It's ironic that some people who've I've spoken with since yesterday agree w/me too--and these are people who don't neccessarily claim to be fans of Michaels. This whole saga has lowered my expectations of them, 6-fold.

To be perfectly clear I am not saying that I am glad that Michael was charged with these allegations in order to get to this outcome, but rather just saying it has happened and perhaps it has had some good outcomes too.

And I do agree w/the notion that Michael had to go thru all of this for a reason. For reasons that may not have been clear to us. It left a lot of us questioning so many entities, not the least of all, Him. One of the things I had to come to grips with is realizing that all this was God's test of faith and that Michael had to prove it to himself and to his family. We as fans were just sideliners, and he was on the main stage having this obstacle placed in front of him, overcome it. All or nothing. It was brutal and painful to watch him go thru this but I have no doubt that this was all to his betterment.

lenell marshall

New member
I agree with you. God knew what he was doing, and Micheal knew aswell.
Listen again to the lyrics in "CRY" from "Invincible".

I am sooooooooooo happy for him and his FANS.
