Looking for Lost 2005 Documents


New member

I am hoping someone can help me out. I am making my own archive. Much of what is still available is linked to a source on the Net and is subject to being removed, links broken or corrupted.

I am currently looking for a copy of 3 documents. "Dickerman began writing a series of letters to Mark Geragos" to her Declaration during the custody hearing and DFCS Memo (I have the report from Smoking Gun)

I came by this information from the Veritas Project site. These letters and Janet Arvizo's Declaration are some of the documents which are not readily found anymore.

If these documents are no longer available due to a legal reason or you have any information please post it here or PM me.

Any assistance would be appreciated.



New member
Found two more which are listed in the court database on Michael's trial, but are not accessable.

Order that Ex Parte Application for an Order that Mr. Jackson be Allowed to Make a Public Statement Regarding Information Leaked to the Media be Filed Under Seal

Request for Leave to File Mr. Jackson's Reply to the District Attorney's Opposition to Motion for Recusal as the Reply to the Attorney General's Opposition [DENIED]