Me and my Dad...

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As you may know from recent posts or if you've ever had a conversation with me you now about my dad, and how much he hates MJ. He doesnt want me to be a Michael Jackson fan at all. He actually treats me like less of a person because of it. Well this just hapenned and I gotta tell someone so here I go:
I went to go tell my dad about something that happened earlier, i borrowed my brothers CD player without askin him first and my brother got mad at me, took out the CD and smashed it on my wall. It was HIStory disc 2, and one of my personal favorites. I tell my dad, he blames the whole thing on me saying that my brother had the right to smash "that freak show's cd" and that i should be wise enough to realise that "that man is tremendoesly talented in many ways, but tremendoesly flawed as a human being. I just want you to know, and realise that." he said. JSYK, thats how "we" all are up in the northeast. There are a ton of haters, very few neutrals, and about 3 fans in total. 2 of those fans are on this board. Im even more angry at myslef, wanna know how I replied? "Yes, dad. I know." AND INSIDE I WAS INFURIATED AT HIM! But I feel so bad about it now. I know Korynns gonna harass me when she see's this thread, and shes probably gonna make this big thing out of it and call me a pathetic fan like she usually does but i just want you to know how bad I feel. I hate arguing and talking back to my dad. I really do. Im just not in a good mood at all today, today was a very anti-mj day. Great, this is just f**king great.


New member
heyy hunni... *hugs* It's hard to be in your position, when you feel victimised and harassed for your opinions, so you have not done anything bad. Fathers have power, as they demand respect, and it's hard to constantly counter or contradict them. I admire you standing up to your dad as you do. :) So don't feel bad hun.


New member
There's no point arguing with your dad if he's like that. He won't change his mind no matter what you say. Nodding and smiling.. just agreeing to shut up him, that's not pathetic. If you can't change their mind, why make life more miserable for yourself?


New member
I hate to seem disrespectful toward your father, and please dont take it that way. But I feel that he contradicted himself when he said that MJ is "that man is tremendoesly talented in many ways, but tremendoesly flawed as a human being." If he knows that the man is talented then he should understand why u love the man's music so much! And in my opinion you are old enough to like whatever you want to like, and of course everyone is entitled to there own opinion! I know one thing...if anyone was to purposely break anything MJ of mine... all hell is gonna break lose!!!
Sorry to hear about that!:mellow:

minnie yu

New member
i am so sorry for you Jeff..but i can tell you how i feel: you daddy has absolutely no right to stop you from doing anything you like to need to tell him you are a grown-up ass man and you have your own brain and yes..those haters' brain has already been washed so many times they are stubborn enough and they do believe in what they believe..sigh..but he has no right really..and..the second about your brother..i can say please try to work and earn enough money to buy your onw cd player in the way we dont need to use others..and you brother is......rude..:chairbeat if i were you i would like to skin his ass out if someone dare to amash my mIke's cd in front of me i could became a super bitch in a second..:confused: i donot know how i do can make u feel better..but believe in me you are not many MIke's fans out there we are family..

ps: i wish your favour History disc2 is ok and ..doing well..bless..:8-26-03fruits_apple


New member
I just don't understand why your father hate michael so much! My parent has no good feeling about michael cus his face, you know, is not normal but they don't behave like you father.

Maybe your father thought it's good for you to keep from michael even he took the wrong way to tell you. After all, he is your father.

Michael is being father too. I think He knows that parents always want to give their chidren the best thing.

Don't be sad! You know michael and realize that his music is worthy to be loved. It's enough!


New member

Point B) I did the same thing once with MY parents. My mom sat there and called him a pedophile and I just gave her an evil look. I would have called your dad out but I'm not you and uh...yeah. NOT THE POINT. The point said "I KNOW?!" WWWWWHHHAAAAAAAAA ok write a note. WRITE A NOTE! No one ever yells at a note! Just tell him how very important it is to you that he understands Michael is not a 'flawed person' like your dad seems to be at this point in time....That crack about the glove and the nursery sign proved enough that he's not gonna shut his f*cking mouth about MJ so just explain to him that he either 1) Needs to understand MJ's no circus freak or 2) Needs to just not mention him....EVER. Also, I just spilled Coke on my pants.
Pirate. said:
Point B) I did the same thing once with MY parents. My mom sat there and called him a pedophile and I just gave her an evil look. I would have called your dad out but I'm not you and uh...yeah. NOT THE POINT. The point said "I KNOW?!" WWWWWHHHAAAAAAAAA ok write a note. WRITE A NOTE! No one ever yells at a note! Just tell him how very important it is to you that he understands Michael is not a 'flawed person' like your dad seems to be at this point in time..... Also, I just spilled Coke on my pants.
I apologize for the spilling of cola on your pants. LMAO but its true (about the thing u always do). I had a REALLY good reason for the E'Casanova thing. (nobody here knows what that is.....)......ill tell yall what the E'Casanova thing is. In my worl history class I have a teacher who DESPISES and HATES MJ WITH A PASSION (other than that he's my coolest teacher). But yeah. Guy hates MJ. I had to do a report on the Iraq War so I quoted "We've had enough". Im not doing too well in that class, and he WOULD deduct points if I quoted a Michael jackson song. I said "reads the lyrics of the popular E'Casanova song, We've had Enough" Which I thought was close enough seeing as he's an MJ impersonator. Of course I felt bad about it, but I did what I had to do to get the highest grade possible. Well i got that report back and there was a note next to the lyrics "Awesome lyrics to be incorporated with the war! +3". You know what he would've written if I said "Michael jackson"!? ..."OK lyrics, whats up with the artist!?" OK so maybe he wouldnt of DEDUCTED points. But that plus 3 got me from a B+ to an A- so I was happy. ANYWAY Korynn somehow found a copy of the report on a shelf in the Chorus room and read the first few lines. She was angry during school and got FURIOUS at me later online right before a chorus concert. She said I was an "Asshole" a "Pathetic fan" and that i "dont fucking care about mj". It was pretty bad and made me feel like shit about myelf EVEN MORE than I already felt. ITS NOT TRASHING IF ITS FACTS!


New member
BIOTB, I can tell you that you're not alone. If there is any concolation, I can say that my father keep me from playing Michael's music at any time. If I do, he ends up commenting about either the way he looks, his skin color, his high voice etc., and I prefer staying low instead. I simply don't bother.

But... Everytime he fell asleep in his chair in the livingroom, I put on one of my CDs and turn on the volume fearly high. Only for the reason to wake him up. ;)

God, he gets mad... :rollin


New member
Blame It On The Boogie said:
As you may know from recent posts or if you've ever had a conversation with me you now about my dad, and how much he hates MJ. He doesnt want me to be a Michael Jackson fan at all. He actually treats me like less of a person because of it. Well this just hapenned and I gotta tell someone so here I go:
I went to go tell my dad about something that happened earlier, i borrowed my brothers CD player without askin him first and my brother got mad at me, took out the CD and smashed it on my wall. It was HIStory disc 2, and one of my personal favorites. I tell my dad, he blames the whole thing on me saying that my brother had the right to smash "that freak show's cd" and that i should be wise enough to realise that "that man is tremendoesly talented in many ways, but tremendoesly flawed as a human being. I just want you to know, and realise that." he said. JSYK, thats how "we" all are up in the northeast. There are a ton of haters, very few neutrals, and about 3 fans in total. 2 of those fans are on this board. Im even more angry at myslef, wanna know how I replied? "Yes, dad. I know." AND INSIDE I WAS INFURIATED AT HIM! But I feel so bad about it now. I know Korynns gonna harass me when she see's this thread, and shes probably gonna make this big thing out of it and call me a pathetic fan like she usually does but i just want you to know how bad I feel. I hate arguing and talking back to my dad. I really do. Im just not in a good mood at all today, today was a very anti-mj day. Great, this is just f**king great.

i feel sorry for you :eek:
my dad smashed my shakira cd called ' mtv unplugged ' and i felt bad but i dont like her that much ! i love mj muuuuuuuuuccccccccchhhhhhhh mmmmmmmorrrrrrreeeeeeee


New member
Blame It On The Boogie said:
I apologize for the spilling of cola on your pants. LMAO but its true (about the thing u always do). I had a REALLY good reason for the E'Casanova thing. (nobody here knows what that is.....)......ill tell yall what the E'Casanova thing is. In my worl history class I have a teacher who DESPISES and HATES MJ WITH A PASSION (other than that he's my coolest teacher). But yeah. Guy hates MJ. I had to do a report on the Iraq War so I quoted "We've had enough". Im not doing too well in that class, and he WOULD deduct points if I quoted a Michael jackson song. I said "reads the lyrics of the popular E'Casanova song, We've had Enough" Which I thought was close enough seeing as he's an MJ impersonator. Of course I felt bad about it, but I did what I had to do to get the highest grade possible. Well i got that report back and there was a note next to the lyrics "Awesome lyrics to be incorporated with the war! +3". You know what he would've written if I said "Michael jackson"!? ..."OK lyrics, whats up with the artist!?" OK so maybe he wouldnt of DEDUCTED points. But that plus 3 got me from a B+ to an A- so I was happy. ANYWAY Korynn somehow found a copy of the report on a shelf in the Chorus room and read the first few lines. She was angry during school and got FURIOUS at me later online right before a chorus concert. She said I was an "Asshole" a "Pathetic fan" and that i "dont fucking care about mj". It was pretty bad and made me feel like shit about myelf EVEN MORE than I already felt. ITS NOT TRASHING IF ITS FACTS!

Oh, f**k YOU you whiny dousche. ONE TIME doesn't qualify as ALWAYS. You need to learn to take a stand for what you believe in and not let people walk all over you anymore. I love how you run around and make me look like the bad guy and everyone runs off on a wild tangent before I get to explain anything. Also, I never said anything about you not caring about MJ, so POINTS FOR EXAGGERATION...ONCE AGAIN. Thanks.


New member
I know how you feel, sometimes you just wanna agree with people so that they'll leave you alone, coz if they're not happy with what you said then they'll keep on tormenting you and making you feel like shit.:chairbeat
Pirate. said:
Oh, f**k YOU you whiny dousche. ONE TIME doesn't qualify as ALWAYS. You need to learn to take a stand for what you believe in and not let people walk all over you anymore. I love how you run around and make me look like the bad guy and everyone runs off on a wild tangent before I get to explain anything. Also, I never said anything about you not caring about MJ, so POINTS FOR EXAGGERATION...ONCE AGAIN. Thanks.
You know for some reason you're a real asshole to me online. You seem to like trashing people online more than in person. I don't get it, but hey whatever... I can do what I wanna do and I noticed right when I told you I was taking a break from MJEOL you decided to run to ur PC and trash me, god doesnt that make you seem like a great friend? And you actually did say I didnt care about Michael and that I was a pathetic fan. You seem to have nothing better or more productive to do but think of ways to put people down on themselves. God, look at your post history towards me. Why do you act this way towards me online but never in person? Do you want to seem tough to all your Michael fan buddies? I don't like trashy arguments. Never have and never will. They get you nowhere, except for more angry. So I don't "let people walk all over me", I just do what I want to do except for causing this huge scene to defend a man I have never, will never, and could never meet. I don't know Michael Jackson personally and I like him a LOT. Trust me I do and im a huge fan but I do not LOVE him like people do and if people want to defend him and love him thats just fine but all you seem to want to do with everyone 24/7 is argue which with you never gets you anywhere because you never allow the other side to be heard. You're one of, if not the single most ignorant people I know. Calling me a whny little dousche got us...hmmm...let me see...uhh... nowhere. So before you write something down or type something, think of what could come of it first. Okay, exxageration? Where would the exxageration be exactly because I can't find it. I love the sympathy to me in your first post when I obviously felt depressed, as I do right now. Im so happy I came back to MJEOL and was told by my best friend I was a whiny little dousche, maybe this really isn't worth it. Im guessin it's some kinda sign that im not needed at MJEOL because im a whiny little dousche. And for those of you that are wondering and noticing im not really me, I do have some personal problems going on right now (no korynn, you have no idea) and this was probably THE last thing I needed to stumble upon. Maybe theres some way to ignore korynn on the board. I think im gonna do that because nothing ever comes out of her posts to me anyway. Thanks for the uplift in spirit, best friend.


Staff member
woah woah woah. What the hell's going on in this thread?

Pirate, we won't tolerate personal insults like that on this forum. You got a problem with BIOTB, you take it somewhere else. It was unnecessary to say what you said.

This thread of closed for cleaning...


New member
Blame It On The Boogie said:
You know for some reason you're a real asshole to me online. You seem to like trashing people online more than in person. I don't get it, but hey whatever... I can do what I wanna do and I noticed right when I told you I was taking a break from MJEOL you decided to run to ur PC and trash me, god doesnt that make you seem like a great friend? And you actually did say I didnt care about Michael and that I was a pathetic fan. You seem to have nothing better or more productive to do but think of ways to put people down on themselves. God, look at your post history towards me. Why do you act this way towards me online but never in person? Do you want to seem tough to all your Michael fan buddies? I don't like trashy arguments. Never have and never will. They get you nowhere, except for more angry. So I don't "let people walk all over me", I just do what I want to do except for causing this huge scene to defend a man I have never, will never, and could never meet. I don't know Michael Jackson personally and I like him a LOT. Trust me I do and im a huge fan but I do not LOVE him like people do and if people want to defend him and love him thats just fine but all you seem to want to do with everyone 24/7 is argue which with you never gets you anywhere because you never allow the other side to be heard. You're one of, if not the single most ignorant people I know. Calling me a whny little dousche got us...hmmm...let me see...uhh... nowhere. So before you write something down or type something, think of what could come of it first. Okay, exxageration? Where would the exxageration be exactly because I can't find it. I love the sympathy to me in your first post when I obviously felt depressed, as I do right now. Im so happy I came back to MJEOL and was told by my best friend I was a whiny little dousche, maybe this really isn't worth it. Im guessin it's some kinda sign that im not needed at MJEOL because im a whiny little dousche. And for those of you that are wondering and noticing im not really me, I do have some personal problems going on right now (no korynn, you have no idea) and this was probably THE last thing I needed to stumble upon. Maybe theres some way to ignore korynn on the board. I think im gonna do that because nothing ever comes out of her posts to me anyway. Thanks for the uplift in spirit, best friend.

I have no desire to get in the middle of this Freud and want to make it clear that I am not taking sides. I DO want to point out that for the comfort of not only the parties involved but also the other members of the forum this conversation should happen in private. Especially if you know each other personally.
Thank you
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