Mention being an MJ fan early on in relationships?


New member
Obviously, the folks on here aren't average fans and I am wondering if it is important to mention that we're huge MJ fans early on in personal relationships (with significant others). What do you guys think?

If you're like me, Michael is hugely important in your life. You bring him into conversations all the time. You laugh at things he said and did as though you were in his presence at the time he said and did those things. You may have MJ memorabilia. None of this may be overly strange and uncommon. However, we (the big-time fans) frequently say we love Michael and talk about what he meant to our lives (I never talk to non-fans about my love for Michael - I would only seem nutty). This is not normal at all. Show our comments to outsiders (non-fans), and many of them will think of us as lunatics.

For these reasons, is it important to mention to your significant other, early on in a relationship, that you're a big MJ fan (and not "just a fan")? Some people may be freaked out by how we feel towards someone we've never met or talked to. Our relationship with Michael might seem obsessive and bizarre.

I'll be honest: if a girl (I am a guy) talked told me about loving a celebrity the way I talk about Michael, I would probably think she's crazy. Yeah, this is definitely hypocritical, but I am being honest. Loving someone you've never met/talked to is weird, and I'd feel more comfortable staying away from someone who feels that way.


New member
In my experience Michael Jackson evokes strong reactions from people (good or bad). People either absolutely hate him, love him or just don't care. When I was dating around I was on a number of dating sites and I had the fact that I was a HUGE Michael fan listed in my profile.

So yeah, I think it's something that should be mentioned very early. some of your initial conversations with people involve talking about things that you like. Bring it up then.


New member
LMAO! Wow, this brings back memories. Oh yes, not just dating, but friendships in general, I had to mention that I love MJ. People don't hate like they used to now, but back in the day, yes, there was some strong reactions. I once dated a guy partly because we both loved Michael a great deal. I was once on a date with a guy who knew I loved MJ and when he annoyed me, I'd tell that if Michael pulled up in a limo I'd jump in the car with him. I even had an ex-boyfriend who was insecure over how much I loved MJ and thought I loved him more. Girl, I can go on and on with stories for you!


New member
I think it is something you should mention, like having strong religious convictions because it is something you cannot hide. For example, say I was dating a guy, and he just happened to open my book case and see my Michael Jackson DVD collection, or turn on my computer, and see I have a MJ file, or look over my shoulder while I am on the computer and realized I am blogging about MJ...........ackwaaard. He never knew and we never discussed my hobbies, or passions, or I neglected to tell me through fear. Say this same man was really a hater. Why waste your time and someone elses. As long as you don't have a shrine in your home to Michael Jackson you should be alright, or you don't kneel and prayer to Michael's picture you are not a loony toon.

Generally I do not talk about Michael with my friends because they don't have the same level of interest. I may start a conversation, but they trail off into something else. However, a boyfriend would be different especially if it were someone I wanted a future with. I would want to be honest and upfront.

I am who I am, love me or leave me.


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Oldschool doesn't date so I don't know...
But I guess I wouldn't say 'oh I'm a huge MJ fan'. I'd just let them see it. I have one or 2 MJ things around my house, if people see it they usually question me on it and ask if I'm a fan, and I can tell by the look on their face of they are worth the time of day. They would know I'm a fan before we got together in the first place. The shit people come out with makes my blood boil, I have ended friendships in the past because of paedophile jokes, because it's not just MJ, it's the fact child abuse isn't funny and anyone who thinks it is is equally as sick (and it's a great way to make someone feel really bad after making a joke like that about him, take Michael completely out of the picture and say 'oh you think children being abused is funny or something?', then they get themselves in a panic trying to explain themselves and the topic no longer comes up).
Any feelings I'd have for someone would be diminished if they came out with any disgusting comments.


New member
All my friends know I'm a from fan when I defended him against all the disgusting jokes they used to tell (we were only young). I don't talk about him much in front of them, they know I'm still hurting.
I told my other half when Michael announced his tour. It's not that I was hiding it, but it was the perfect opportunity to say, "hey you know what? I'm a massive fan of MJ." He understands and I've educated him somewhat about a few things.

Mainly, it's personal for me. I talk to MJ fan friends and laugh and smile about how lovely he was etc.. but it just doesn't come out with other friends.


New member
I mention being an MJ fan to everyone who will listen to me. lol I drive them nuts. I've been doing it for years, even before I *really* became a fan. And I've raised my kids to be die-hard MJ supporters...just like me. Why let them not spread the word as well?

I figure, it's my responsibility as a lifelong true-believer in MJ (I saved up my allowance for 2 months to buy Thriller on LP lol) that I should educate anyone who still believes the media hype and my part to right the tremendous wrongs visited upon this unique and precious man that gave so much to all of us. It's the right thing to do, and more so -what a friend would do. The more people who do that, the more likely we can give truth and insight to his legacy long term, and dispell all the utter BS :bs that MJ endured. Not to mention that the world has softened their viewpoint on this man after his death. I think there was a collective sigh of shame around the word from alot of the haters when he passed...because deep down inside...alot of the people who bashed him loved him too. They just need a seguay to be brought back into the light, like the prodigal son. lol I will always welcome a reformed hatah' back home. hehe

If a significant other/friend/family member can't take the heat, he/she needs to get out of the music video. lol My brother is a hater, because he believed the '93 allegations. But he knows and loves me, and knows I am an intelligent woman, who would not have a blind opinion about anything. So he accepts it, and lately, he has softened his stance, accepting the possibility at least of other explainations.

Now, friendships and intimate relationships I have begun even very recently have not suffered because of my uber-fandom. There is alot more to me than my devotion to Michael. People just accept this part of me as a quirk...I dunno, maybe it's because I'm a little 'off' anyway...maybe it's the humor I use, or my unabashed love of his music? They just accept it as part of my crazy personality. Or maybe, it's because I do nothing to hide it. If people can't accept me for who and what I am, then the relationship is doomed from the get-go. And people don't have to believe what I do to have a relationship with me either. People are entitled to their own opinions...just like me.

Consider this- How many absolutely BONKERS football fans are there in the world? Do they wonder how to broach it with a new relationship in order to avoid rejection? Oh hale naw.

Never feel shame for adoring a musical genius, dancing phenom, humanitarian, and all around good human being. Never hide it, because you worry about acceptance. If they love you...or have the ability to love you, they will always accept you.


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I never feel shame for loving Michael :) I just respect other peoples opinions. A few of my friends hate him but because they shut up about him in front of me, I'm happy to do the same.


New member
I disliked my very first boyfriend after he made a cruel joke about Michael. We never discussed the topic of Michael because it never came up. He called one of our teachers, "michael jackson" because she (yes a she) was always wearing red hot lips with way too much colored crooked eyeliner and eyebrows and crazy black hair. And she was also very pale from so much freaking foundation and powder on her face. She did NOT look like Michael jackson. Could never. We didn't last long. He was an asshole.

My boyfriend now...he was never a major fan of the beginning anyway. And that was around 5 years ago. I was always trying to throw evidence on the table on how Michael was pretty much the victim from all the false allegations. He never talked bad about Michael. He just never cared for him.. His big bro was/is a huge fan though.

After Michael died things changed. Now he openly expresses his respect and I guess you can say 'love' for Michael. Not because he died. But because his eyes were opened. His eyes were opened to certain things Michael did in his music videos. He LOVED the Prison Version of They Don't Really Care About Us. He loved how the violent images of humanity were shown in the background. He also believes Michael was killed because of what he was trying to do. Trying to change the world. He does and will not accept that Michael ultimately led himself to his own death. I remember recently he went on a MJ frenzy. Watching all kinds of interviews, listening to songs, reading quotes, and things from the trial, and autopsy reports, and wow. After his eyes were opened to the cruel truth about so many messed up things in Michael's life and the real message behind his

He told me one time...and I will never forget it because it brought such a huge smile on my face. "Boo... I LOVE Michael Jackson. I love this f-cking guy!"

So yes. It is very important. I made sure that I let him know. That I love Michael. And I'm not just a fan. I am a FAN.