Michael\'s genius


New member
This may sound morbid but...

I remember right after he died and all that talk about his brain was going on while they examined it and I thought to myself...

I wonder what a cat-scan or an mri or even a dissection of his brain compared to an average human would have revealed? Because here was a real, bonafide genius- in our time. And not just any kind of genius, but one on the level of Mozart or Beethoven or even say, comparable as the Einstein of music/artistic expression/kinetic movement imho...the man could use all parts of his brain. He wrote, he sang, he could draw, he could interpret movement, emote, transfer emotion...he was THE total creative package all rolled up into one man. A gift from God.

On a side note:
Ask anyone, and they would most likely agree that he was a genius. And yet, people forgot this when they wrapped themselves up in his eccentricities alone. But seriously, has anyone ever heard of a genius who wasn't eccentric? The three above that I mentioned were totally cracked.

I dunno. It just intrigues me to think of it. :educate


New member
Has the brain of any genius ever been examined, I mean do they look any different from the rest of ours? I don't know either, perhaps.

Personally I think MJ was an exceptional talent, but that alone could not account for his success. Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey all have very beautiful voices; and Usher and Chris Brown can both sing and dance, but neither of the mentioned are even close to Michael Jackson. I think he wanted it more, the ambition and drive in him was greater.


New member
I know Michael was very knowledgeable. He spoke with such etiquette. People can still speak all nice and have an extensive vocab but still not know anything. But as time passed we learned that the man loved to read. He read all types of books, visited different countries and states. He learned about other cultures. He didn't bind himself to a certain religion which could suggest that he was very open minded to other people's opinions and beliefs. He loved to learn and explore. He was interested in the conditions of our earth and what we could do to prevent more damage from happening.


New member
Well, knowing what I do about people with exceptional talent and eccentricity...and after reading his written words, seeing his drawings, hearing and visualizing the complexity in his written music and choreography, watching how he intuitively could reach an audience, and most expecially his ability to empathise...I do believe he was a genius, as do most in the music community at large. One need not be able to come up with E=MC² to be a genius. Genius comes in all forms, Michael's respectively being in reference to the levels of intelligence that comprise musical composition and pitch, 'emotional knowledge' (yes, that is a level of intelligence they measure), and kinetic movement.

And to refer to Teva...yes, they have examined the brains of those considered to be 'exceptional' per se'. There have been observations of marked differences...which makes me wonder what Michael's would have told us, given that I personally believe he was well...'uber' in the genius category. We use somewhere between 3-5% of our brains. Einstein is said to have used over 10% of his brain. How much would... or could scientists have estimated Michael to have had used?