(MJ Related) Funny Stories...


New member
Ok, I wasn't sure where to post this, but seeing as it is MJ related, I posted it here. Sorry if it's wrong!

I know everyone has that person (or more) in their lives that cannot stand Michael Jackson. Up one side and down the other they will deny they ever liked him until they are blue in the face! Not true! Everyone has a little MJ inside of em'. We just have to pry it out! So here are my stories:

As some of you know, I am married. My husband's name is James. (YES, he knows that if MJ and I were to ever get together he would be left in the dust lol) :lol Anyway, my husband is one of those people mentioned above... He has nothing against MJ, just doesn't really like him... at all! Until...

1. About four years ago when we were just dating, I was doing some cleaning in my apartment. He had come over after work to take a shower and change. While I was sweeping up my kitchen floor, I decided I would play my History c.d. When I stood up from using the dust pan on the ground, I found my husband in the middle of my living room in nothing but his boxers... swaying his hips to "Scream." Not only that, he was moving his hips in circles and singing "Make me wanna scream... ow!" in a very high pitched voice. -My husband has a naturally deep voice. :lol So it was amusing. The look of surprise was just priceless.

2. About a year into our marriage, my husband had a day off and decided to do some cleaning. He was playing the History c.d. once again while doing the dishes. I was at work, but when I came home and up the stairs to our apartment, I heard MJ singing. I smiled from ear to ear at what I might find. As I opened the door (James locked it just in case!) the music suddenly stopped. When I was inside, I looked at him in our kitchen with his hands soaking wet, one finger on the "stop" button on the c.d. player and a huge grin on his face. He had a look like "what... I wasn't...doing...anything..." Then he started laughing. I told him, "The jig is up...you love MJ and you know it!" He laughed and told me, "nuh uh! I hate him!" in a pouting tone.

3. For our anniversary this year (it was in May) we headed up to Geagua Lake/Six Flags. (It no longer exits, but it was a theme park we had here with roller coasters and water rides). Anyhow, on the ride up there I put in my collection c.d. (the one that comes with four disc's and a dvd in white casing) and the song "We Are The World" the demo came on. He actually started to cry in the car! OH MY GOD! LOL :lol:lol I laughed and pointed at him. "I knew it!" I exclaimed. "Nope... I had..something.." he started to say. "Yeah in your eye, huh?" I finished his sentence. I let it go, once more.

4. THEN! Just tonight, I was taking a shower. I went into my room and closed the door slightly to put on some lotion and get dressed. As I was coming out of the bathroom, I heard, "We Are The World...We are the children..." blaring. I thought it was just my imagination so I just shrugged it off, 'cause at that moment, it stopped. When I got to my room and started to put on lotion, I heard the same part of the chorus. And then it stopped. I immediately stood up and stopped what I was doing... careful not to make a creak in the floor so I could hear better. Nothing. Didn't hear a thing. At this point, I'm thinkin' I'm freakin' nuts, right?! As I was getting dressed, I heard it again. Now, this time I thought... oh god maybe one of my room mates found my c.d. and decided to play a joke of some sorts on me. I went back to the bathroom and just as I was closing the cabinet to put gel in my hair, I looked up and my husband froze on the stair case (the bathroom is at the top of the stairs). He just looked at me and laughed a little. I looked at him. "...I'm not sayin' anything..." I said as I bent over to put the gel in my hair. He started to laugh again. "ok ok... MJ's ok." he said. When we came back down and went outside to sit... I teased him about it and then... "ALRIGHT! I LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON! MICHAEL IS THE TRUE KING!" He SCREAMED it to the neighborhood!!!

Of course I belted over laughing and tried to get him to be quiet, but... he finally admitted it and it made me grin from ear to ear. All I could say was, "I knew it!" :lol:lol:lol:lol:D:D:lol:lol:lol:lol

Does anyone else have a "brainwashing story" to tell? LOL.

Oh yeah! I also got my younger brother, Mikey into MJ as well. He actually got into it and dressed up as him for awhile...it was amusing.


New member
And just as a side note... the music that I heard, (We Are The World demo) was coming from our computer... James decided he wanted to watch the video with it... youtube is a beautiful thing! -It helped in my 'getting james to like mj' project LOL :p
