MSNBC/Rita Cosby..


New member
As I watched The Abrams Report last night..I saw that Ms. Rita Cosby has a new show starting this Monday.

Well, looks like her first guests are the two butt-heads..the jurors that are writing the book. I thought that ya'll might want to watch what they have to say..I mean, it's BS but maybe you want to have a laugh. :lol: Or maybe if you feel like screaming at the TV set. :D

I tried to find it on the web..but couldn't find anything..just this:


I know, it doesn't say anything about the guests..but if you watch MSNBC and wait for commercials, I bet you will see what I'm talking about. :)


New member
^^ Hmm, I just thought some people would interested in what they have to say in their own words..see the "excuses" (*rasberries*) ignorant they are..know what I mean? Yeah..

Tabloid Junkie

New member
First of all; why even give the show ratings? Why listen to what two jurors have to say; they want to create hype for their new found book deals. Not only that; Rita Cosby, a ONCE respected journalist actually lost her integrity when interviewing them.

However, I guess we'll have to wait and see.


New member
Just thought you guys wanted to neeeever know. *wink*

But, should be BS! *slap* Duh! Of course..nottin' but BS! Goes to show what the love of money can make you do..wait..that's just how they are!! :hitting


Staff member
The real test will be if Cosby does any follow-up; if she gets any comments or interviews with other jurors that disagree with 'tweedle dumb' and 'tweedle dumber'.


New member
Originally posted by Albamelia

^^ Hmm, I just thought some people would interested in what they have to say in their own words..see the "excuses" (*rasberries*) ignorant they are..know what I mean? Yeah..

Originally posted by dyehardMJfan @ MJJForum@ Aug 6 2005, 09:19 PM

...Look, these two rogue jurors did know/now know that a book proclaiming Mike's guilt will sell bigger than a "not guilty" one. And the media has aided and abetted all this nonsense from the get-go!

Besides, Hultman and Cook were probably "stealth" jurors to begin with! Apparently Eleanor Cook proclaimed her prejudice at the start of the trial:

Eleanor Cook: "I told them (the judge and DA) that I had feelings about this case and couldn't be fair, I told them I didn't want to be on this jury and they ignored me".

I'm trying to locate this quote... can anyone help look for it? It ought to be forwarded to the media, et al!


See hightlighted text!

LARRY KING's interview of the jurors on June 23, 2005!

Hear interview (MJEOL download!):

OUT OF HER OWN MOUTH, Juror Eleanor Cook admits she was against Mike from the beginning, and informed Judge Smelville BEFORE she was impaneled!!


Interview With Michael Jackson Jurors

Aired June 23, 2005 - 21:00 ET


Back to you, Ellie.

COOK: Yes, sir.

KING: Was there more than one? That wanted a conviction on maybe one of the counts?

COOK: There were a couple of things that I wanted -- I can't even remember them now to be honest with you, without my notes and paper here in front of me. But there was a couple of things that I thought that he was guilty of, but we couldn't prove it. And so we had to go with not being able to prove it; we had no choice.

KING: We had some -- two people, different people tell us they thought he was a predator, but that was not proven in this case.

COOK: Exactly.


KING: There were reports that Paulina and Ellie argued at times about guilty or not guilty. Did you ever?

COOK: I don't think we argued, did we? Well, maybe we did.

KING: In the jury room. Come on, Paulina, (INAUDIBLE).

COCCOZ: I guess we argued. There was just -- you know, we're both I guess pretty stubborn. And...

KING: She wanted guilty?


KING: You wanted guilty?

COOK: There was a couple of things there I thought he was guilty of, yes.

KING: Why did you give in? Why didn't you hold your ground?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was no proof.

COCCOZ: She couldn't mix her personal beliefs with what the decision was supposed to be based on, and I think we all had to remind each other that we couldn't do that, that was not abiding by what the rules were to us.

KING: You think there she was right in pointing that out, that maybe you were leaning toward a personal feeling?

COOK: That was hard not to. And that's why I -- in the beginning, I pleaded with the judge not to be on the jury. And that was one of the reasons.

But I was on the jury. And I did have to leave my personal beliefs aside and go with the proof. And let me tell you, I did try to find proof. I did not find it.


KING: Were all of you Jackson fans? Fans of the music?

HERARD: I was. And I said that.

KING: Ellie, no?

COOK: No. Well, my age group, when you're 79 years old, I'm not going to go out there and do a moonwalk.

COCCOZ: Come on, Ellie.

COOK: Well, maybe I would.


So WHY the hell did Judge Smelville allow this woman to serve on Mike's jury???

