My \'crush\' got fired


New member
I made a thread about it a little while ago. I know I said I was over the little attraction (that gets on my nerves) on my coworker but I'm not. I was just lying to myself. I still found myself checking the work schedule to see when he and I would be working together. I still looked around to see when he would randomly pop up and come around my area. I would even still try to get myself real prettied up just to see if he would compliment me or show any type of interest. Not that I would have done anything with him if he did. I just wanted to know if he found me attractive at all.

Well, he was a temporary/seasonal position and his 120 days were up. Just like me. Except they kept me. One of the bosses said good things about me. (Woo! Go me lol)

And today he was let go. Along with another guy who was real nice too and apparently had a crush on me. Anyway, I was real bummed about it. Because...he was just so attractive to me. His attitude sucked, and he was always wandering off, coming to work drunk or extremely high a few times. Yes, he had issues. And it upset me how he would come to work like that. I never saw him drunk or anything but that is what a few people that worked with him told me. But he did his work and he helped me many times when I needed him. He did not mind helping me out whenever I needed a favor.

Now I have to work without seeing his pretty face anymore? LOL I sound crazy but that is how I feel. I gotta go to work and it's gonna suck to not have anything nice to look at. I like my job. Crazy to say but I do really like my job. And I am happy that I can stay there without worrying about my position being taken but I'm just so sad.

I know this is the best though. When he left I kept telling myself in my head "Stop caring. Don't get attached. Let it go. Forget him. Don't get attached." But, now that I'm at home and relaxed....I can gush to all of you cause I can't gush about this to anyone else. I don't trust other people.

It just sucks. :(