::My Drawings:: (2006)

frozen rose

New member
I thought I would start a new thread :8-26-03fruits_apple with all new drawings, of being my character Mich'ra and even Michael Jackson. But first, let's recap on some of my older drawings... drawen earlier this year: (some drawings you may have seen before, and some are new ones I have not yet added, until now)

late 2005/early 2006:

-This was Mich'ra in the midst of growing up into a adult dragon, drawn on January 1st 2006-

-This is Mich'ra now, this is him as a adult, pure adult. This was drawen sometime around... *thinks* Feburary 2nd 2006-

-This drawing was done sometime in January 2006. This one has not got a date on it to comfirm the date/year etc. This drawing is of Michael Jackson, with the pose... (as I sorta traced it to get the pose right, but I have made changes :wink)... of Squall Lionheart from Final Fantasy IIIV-

Right... that's all of the reciting for now, so... soon I will add my NEW drawings... and maybe some UNRELEASED artwork of mine. :8-26-03fruits_apple

frozen rose

New member
One more late 2005/early 2006 drawings:

-This drawing includes no date, all I remember is that this was drawn mid December 2005. This drawing supports my story "The Beauty Within"-

Recent Drawings (2006):

-This is Michael Jackson, I drew this late week on Thursday, which made it the 2nd of March 2006. The ORIGINAL title was called "Crying for the World". I apologise for the writing if it's too scribbled to make out-

-This is Mich'ra in his athropod dragon form, wearing a redish/pinkish pajama shirt. The "box" you see is an extract of a balcony to Mich'ra's home. This was drawen JUST today on the 6th February 2006-

-This is another of my "un-dated" drawings, but this was drawen most likely in February... around nearer the end of the month. This is a "logo" like drawing of Mich'ra in his athropod dragon form-

ONE unreleased drawing:

-"Michael Jackson... eating a apple" - I know... not a very good title, however this is another one of my rough drawings. I am quite chuffed with myself as I only drew that pose roughly as it just came into my head. Once again, I dateless drawing... I THINK I drew this around... late Decemeber...-

frozen rose

New member
Recent Drawings (2006) 2:

-This is Willy Wonka (JD's version) and me. I drew it TODAY; 7th March 2006. Now, I drew Mr. Wonka by memory... and right now, I am chuffed with it, so I hope you enjoy XD-

frozen rose

New member
Recent Drawings 3:

Nishuca - This was drawen on March 13th 2006. This is a description of my new character, which is called a "Blood Demon", it's like a fore-armed Basilisk. Sorry for the writing if you can't read it.

More coming soon, once Imageshack.us decides to co-operate with me.

eMJey fan

New member
I like your drawings they are awesome! Keep doing those great drawings! lol

emm and another thing what i want say not to you really to MJEOL I like that box where you are writing with MJ and where is written MJEOL :p