My thoughts on molestation and this case


New member
This was a message in response to one of our faithful members. She knows this case in and out but she said "possibly" in regards to the outcome of this case and that got me to thinking. I knew she was talking in the big scheme of things and covering all the basis because I've seen her other posts. She knows her stuff. But some of us :D have starting getting so nervous that I think we're taking our laptops into the bathroom with us because of our nervous stomachs and bladders. :lol:

I don't want to sound like Clint Eastwood or somebody but I don't want to be a pansy either. Tom Sneddon is a bully. But the facts are on our side. I especailly like the post from Ramone that Whisper put up today. The defense case was short because of the fact that witnesses were not crossed and because of the confidence that the team had in their case.

Chris, brought up the point that the molestation charge is the best the prosecution has. Which I think is correct because you really can't prove a case of he said he said without a full alabi (I know that's one of the reasons the dates fit MJ's schedule). And the pundits are trying to drive this point home that you can be a crook and still have been molested. That's true, but the fact that you are a crook in the same case that you were molested (which by the way is the jcpenney's case) allows the rest of us to have doubts about your case.

Here's my post..

Ok, I'm not ready to talk about possibly. I know what you saying but we should evaluate this kid. There are tons of points that Mez will bring out in closing. The ones you make are at the top of the list. But here are a few more the pundits would like you to forget.

Jay Leno. It's not what he brought to the table directly but indirectly. Directly he's an a$$hole. Indirectly, he proves that this kid lies just like moma. This kid would have been better off telling the truth about Jay. Instead he flatly denied that he ever talked to Jay. Alot like the mother and the leg/body wax...hmmm

The Wine. This kid could have said he had wine before and after he left NL. Instead he says he never had wine outside MJ presence. Now, almost every witness tells another story. He even joked about going to AA. Everyone has notice that this kid took to wine and booze like a fish to water. These things are aquired tastes. But he claims he started drinking on his last visit to NL. Raise your hand if you believe that!

Molestation. The stories don't add up. They change the dates. He said the clocks were "off". He joked during the grand jury that he and MJ were alone "unless some navy seals dropped in by parachute". He claimed that he knew more about sex than MJ. The wine, porn and masterbation are not tied together. The alarm that doesn't alarm anyone. Idots!!

Masterbation/Porn. Claims he's never done it! Who ya gonna believe little Rio Jackson or this hethen? The magazines and the adult shows they watched. The maid found it in their bookbag.

Conspiracy. Claims there was one. He backs momma 100% on this ridiculous fable. The Brazil trip, the escapes (3), the "killers", etc.

Other Abuse Claims. He claimed his mother abused him. He claimed his father abused him. Yet, he waited to claim abuse with MJ. The D.A says "well little boys don't tell right away". The problem with that is this is a kid that's comfortable talking about masturbation with his sainted (but crazy) grandmother. How many of you catholic boys would discuss this with your grammy? If you are like me, you'd rather talk it over with Sister Mary Agnus at the local convent!! :bustbubbl

Hurt feeling & respect. He claimed his feelings were hurt when he found out MJ was avoiding him and that he lost respect for him. He also lost respect for all of his teachers. (By the way, wasn't Sneddon supposed to tell us he is now an angel? What ever happen to that?) :lol:

The Video. The kid backs up the family's crazy story that the video was rehearsed. That alone should get this bounced. (I'm sure when this is over MJ will give Geraldo first crack at that video.) :D

JCPenneys. Awe what a nice kid. :D He backs up the fact that he and his brother had to but his mother's breasts back in her shirt after the "assult" at JCpenneys. He claimed that his arm was broken by the security guards. He backed his mother's claims that her breast were squeezed 25 times and that she was groped for 7 minutes.

General overall bad feeling. Nothing about this kid makes you want to hug him. You only want to whip his a$$. Cancer or not, this is a bad seed. His knife-wielding brother scares you. Add to that, the fact that the brother witnesses his brother being molested (his facts are all crossed up on this) and goes back downstairs for more food. He's the one making some of these calls (Jay Leno, Chris Tucker, etc.). His cancer made him the front-man of this entire operation.

Family ties. The DA wants to change the time frame to fit his case. But by the time this family had met with lawyers, DCFS, and made the rebuttal video and tapes, they had all "witness" bad behavior of MJ. The mother and little brother claim head licking, the sister claimes weird actions by MJ during the trip back from Miami and at the hotel in Miami. The kids claim offers of wine by MJ. But nothing shows up on the tapes, video, or to the DCFS workers.

Chris. I know what you're saying. But if Mez nails these items on closing and I know he will, both of those hethen children's story will fall to pieces. We have to wait for the closing. Screw the pundits. The truth is right in front of this jury all Mez have to do is bring it home.

The molestation and wine charges will fall with the conspiracy.

-my thoughts now yours...