my vice, insomnia.


New member
I can feel it happening again
It tends to come on now and then
I can't sleep right now
It's like I've forgotten how.

My brain is still on full pelt
Wishing my awake self would melt
I have too much to think about
And too little time
I need to sleep so badly
But I have too little time
I turn to the clock and see
It's already quarter past three
Biting back my tears I turn
I need some sleep, I yearn

For the day I can drop off fine
But maybe this is just a sign
Slow down girl, stop stressing
A calm day or two would be a blessing
But in my life that's so rare
I find it all so painfully unfair.

I really need to get some sleep
Long enough to be real deep
And I can have some time to dream
Enter my own world supreme
Emerge from my palace the next day
And I'll have the energy to be okay.

But this won't happen for a while
My current life is like a trial
Insomnia is holding me tight
Will I ever get my real good-night?


I already told you on msn, but I can relate so well. And I love the ending of it! Brill!