NEW blend CONTEST! wooo!

I just wanna say how excited I am for being a host of a blend contest for the 3rd time now! I'm very thrilled :D I can't believe how long it's been since we've had a blend contest, woo wonder what happened there?? Anyyywayssss I hope this is a successful contest, I want a ton of entries this time around. And I hope everyone likes this contest's theme! :) :)

The theme is......

.::drum rolls::.


Goodness I don't think we've had a Michael Jackson blend contest in forever!!!!! whoa, so yes it is time for one! :D:D

Okay, w/ that being said and done here are the rules and guidelines:

Rules and Guidelines

1. PM me your entry
2. Do not tag your blend
3. You may only enter one time
4. You can only choose pictures from the sites that I have provided (and if for some reason u cannot find any decent pics, email me at and maybe we can make an exception, other than that, no!)

5.Don't make your blend a freakin wallpaper ok cause this is not a wallpaper contest its a blend contest so no bigger than 550x500 pixels.

6. Last but not least, have fun!!!!! :D:D

And here's what you're supposed to do:

Make a blend of your favorite Michael moments. (Example: Motown Performance, Court appearance etc.. ) this can include anything from Performances to Interviews. Choose anything, but wisely :) You are allowed to mix and match different moments if you wish.


Okay, here are the sites you are allowed to choose pictures from:


New member
Originally posted by JohnnysLilPirate
Yay!!! I'm glad you guys wanna enter, cant wait to see your entries! :D
:D I'll start mine soon, within the next 30 mins, ok? You'll have it by the end of today! :D
i have 5 entries now :) if u wanna enter, please do it! :D I'll be waiiiittttiinnngggg......

Lani, I'll look at your entry when I get home :) thanx for entering everyone!!