Black Loafers
New member
ommmmgggg!!! SEXAAAAAAHHHHYYYY!!!:faint: It was a jury selection today again?? I missed I did yesterday...darn....
Originally posted by NevaehDreamz
Jury selection is going too damn FAST!
This is troubling.
Originally posted by HeavenSent
At this point though, the jury is what it is. What can you do? You gotta keep the faith that they'll have a lot more sense of justice than we've been giving them credit for. I refuse to believe that they might be so closeminded as to shut out ALL the facts, and subsequently rule based on their opinions of Michael.
...or maybe I'm being too unrealistic.
Shoot, I'm making like Martin Luther King, Jr. and saying "I Have A Dream".Originally posted by privacy
LOL Carla
Aww shit. :nonono:A jury has been chosen, according to Dimond
8 women, 4 men
one woman has a sister who was raped and has two daughters were molested by her husband. dd is giving all the details of this woman's ordeal.