Petition websites for Malicious Prosecution and removal of DisGrace and Dimond

Tiger Lilly

New member
Originally posted by P dub
why are we signing a petition against diane she defended MJ most of the time against Nancy Grace i can c Nancy but not Diane she defended him at lease when i watched her she did and i watched her mostly everyday. wzup w/ that
Lol you weren't watching the same Diane Dimond I saw. :lol: She was on the bandwagon along with everyone else. She was there on the scene when Nevy was raided, trying to glorify herself in all the action, thinking she'd benefit from Michael's pain. She was always blabbing about how "guilty" Michael looked and she only reported pro-prosecution things.

Mack Dogg

New member
I just read half of Nasty Face's show on the day of Mike's acquittal. Why? I don't know. I hate the bitch even more, her and her lesbian lover Diane Dimond!!!!