Pic of Mike\'s Guitar at \'Rock N\' Roll Hall of Fame\'
S Shannon New member Oct 28, 2005 #8 Extraordinary guitar indeed. Very fancy. Hmmm.. But is it actually his? :canfigureout
T Tabloid Junkie New member Oct 28, 2005 #9 I don't know if it is his. But when you are inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame...a guitar honors you or somethin.
I don't know if it is his. But when you are inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame...a guitar honors you or somethin.
B Black Loafers New member Oct 28, 2005 #10 OMG! That's a really cool guitarr! I want one like that myself! :tooexcite Is it covered in Swarowski crystals or diamonds? Me liiikkkeee! LOL
OMG! That's a really cool guitarr! I want one like that myself! :tooexcite Is it covered in Swarowski crystals or diamonds? Me liiikkkeee! LOL
A abbymjgirl New member Oct 28, 2005 #12 What a kewl guitar. I'd definitely would play with it..I'd jam out! Thanks, Jordy.