Scarborough Country: Majestic Magnificent (Dec 4 2003)


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Stacy Brown and Majestic Magnificent, Jackson family friends, were on Scarbourough Country Dec 4 2003.

This is a transcript just of the Jackson section. (You can ignore what Lisa BLOOM had to say):



SCARBOROUGH: Hey, welcome back.

Is the case against Michael Jackson falling apart? Just two weeks ago, the Santa Barbara DA announced Jackson’s arrest with what many believed was inappropriate glee. But since then, he’s twice delayed filing formal charges. And today, we heard from a family that said their kids were safe at the Neverland Ranch and asked for other families to come forward and defend the former king of pop.


DR. FIRPO CARR, DAUGHTER STAYED AT NEVERLAND: We also have a petition. We want to counter what the D.A. Sneddon said when he threw out a cat call to invite others to come forward.


SCARBOROUGH: I’m joined now by Majestic Magnificent. He’s Michael Jackson’s personal magician and friend. We also have Jackson family friend Stacy Brown with us, and Court TV’s Lisa Bloom. Let’s start with the legal side of this case.

Lisa, you saw “the “New York Times”” today, talked about the case possibly falling apart. Do you believe the case against Michael Jackson may be in trouble right now?

LISA BLOOM, COURT TV ANCHOR: Well, it’s absurd. It’s like calling a baseball game before the “Star Spangled Banner” has even been sung. Charges haven’t even been filed much less a preliminary hearing or a trial. So it is way too soon to call anything like that. I think this D.A.’s being very cautious in filing charges. He has legally until the arraignment on January 9th before he has to file any charges. There is no great rush. You know, if prosecutors do things quickly, they’re accused of rushing to judgment. If they do things too slowly, everyone says the case is falling apart. It’s absurd.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, you know, according to the story in the “New York Times” today, the case against Jackson has hit several snags. First of all, the tip line isn’t ringing. Secondly, despite being urged by the sheriff to do so, no other victims have come forward. And there are reports that the alleged victim’s mother has been institutionalized, and his father’s been greedy.

Lisa, this doesn’t really add up very well for the prosecution, does it? The “New York Times” article certainly is bad news even before the first charge has been filed against Jackson.

BLOOM: I think that article was commentary, not news. And it’s speculation based on rumor, based on very little actual information. You know, Court TV’s reporting today that there is an eyewitness to one of the accounts of molestation. That wasn’t reported in the “New York Times” piece. But I think we have to wait until the evidence at trial before we draw any conclusions either in favor of Jackson or in favor of the kid. It’s very unlikely that there’s going to be a lot of tips about this incident, because this incident happened in private and (UNINTELLIGIBLE) by one or two people.


Is it my turn yet?

SCARBOROUGH: Majestik, I wanted to ask you, Majestik are you here tonight along with other Jackson supporters to say “The “New York Times” is right. We told you so”?

MAGNIFICENT: As time goes by, I sound like a song-as time goes by, you’re going to find out and see that this case is going to fall apart. The reason this D.A. is taking so long is because his stuff is not together. That’s the bottom line. And he knows that. And Lisa Bloom and all of the rest of them will have egg on their face.

SCARBOROUGH: Does the Jackson camp believe tonight that they have turned the corner and things are looking up for Michael and his legal case against the state of California?

MAGNIFICENT: The family always have to believed that, and even now more so from the very beginning, everyone knows-that knows Michael knows that he’s innocent. Only the people that don’t know him like Lisa, Diane Dimond, these type of people, never met the man that put all of these allegations and try to make it be true. But the fact is it’s only an allegation. The family totally stands behind Michael in every way, shape, or form that he’s innocent.


BLOOM: Majestik, you know, you seem to have some kind of personal vendetta against Diane Dimond perhaps because she broke the story; she’s accurately reported a lot of facts both pro and con on this case.

MAGNIFICENT: That’s your partner in crime.

BLOOM: That’s absolutely absurd to call the case before a single shred of evidence has been presented in a court of law.

STACY BROWN, JACKSON FAMILY FRIEND: Lisa, you mentioned a personal vendetta. I think Diane Dimond has a personal vendetta against Michael as do Gloria Allred. You have to be fair.

BLOOM: Well, name one thing that any of these folks, including my mom
” and by the way, I never go after your mom on the air, but you guys always want to go after mine so bring it on.

BROWN: Well, she’s always going after Michael and his family.

BLOOM: Give me one specific thing that any of these folks have said is inaccurate or untrue.


BROWN: Your mom made a statement-wait a minute. Your mom made a statement saying that not only was Michael an unfit father, which she has no way of knowing that.

BLOOM: She never said that. That he should be investigated like anybody else.

BROWN: She also insinuated that the rest of the family was not capable of taking care of his children. How does she know? She has no clue about that family?

BLOOM: Well, that’s absolutely inaccurate.

SCARBOROUGH: Stacy, I want to ask you, though, Stacy, a young woman who stayed at the Jackson’s Neverland ranch several years ago had this to stay at a press conference today.


DANIELLE CARR, STAYED AT NEVERLAND: I would just like to say that nothing ever happened at the Neverland ranch. It was a wonderful experience. And he’s totally innocent. And I support him a hundred percent.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you have a little girl?

CARR: Yes, I do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you had a little boy, would you let the little boy sleep in bed with Michael Jackson?

CARR: Absolutely, I would. Absolutely, I would.


SCARBOROUGH: Stacy, was this just an orchestrated P.R. stunt by the Jackson camp, or was it a spontaneous press conference by supporters?

BROWN: It was definitely a spontaneous press conference, something that Ferpo Carr wanted to do. Actually, he approached the family about doing it from what I understand. And this is something that he feels forceful about. He’s known Michael and the family for some time, and he feels strongly about it. His daughter made an interesting point there about letting her children sleep in the room with Michael. I think a lot of people are misguided on what that truly means, because Michael has said himself that he gives his bed up. I don’t think he gets-I think he gets scrutinized a little bit too much on what he says. He says he gives his bed up. He sleeps on the floor.

BLOOM: You know, any parent who let’s their kid sleep over at Michael Jackson’s is nuts.

MAGNIFICENT: Stacy’s right. Stacy is 100 percent right.

BLOOM: Absolutely nuts. Even Uri Geller.

MAGNIFICENT: Lisa, you made the analogy of a baseball game earlier. Let me give you another analogy, another sports analogy. When it’s early on in the fight, I’m going to use a boxing analogy, when a boxer is receiving a lot of body blows, eventually, a punch to the head is going to take them out. I think Tom Sneddon has received a lot of body blows, and he’s ready to be taken out. I expect to see a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) performance.

BLOOM: What about.


SCARBOROUGH: Stacy-hold on. Stacy.

BLOOM: But why won’t you hear out what this 13-year-old boy has to say before you reach a conclusion? Aren’t you concerned about child abuse when it’s alleged, even if it’s against one of your friends?

BROWN: Oh, very much so, Lisa.



MAGNIFICENT: People like-is it my turn yet?

SCARBOROUGH: Majestik, I’m going to ask you a question now. It will be your turn after I ask you a question.

MAGNIFICENT: OK, go ahead.

SCARBOROUGH: If Michael does get off here, are you going to tell him that he needs to stop inviting kids over to his house and sleeping, if not in the same bed, in the same room with them?

MAGNIFICENT: When Michael gets off-and he is going to get off- I’m going to hold a press conference and say-tell the press leave Michael alone. Now go on with your life and get a life of your own and leave Michael alone.

SCARBOROUGH: So you’re not going to say to Michael, “Hey, Michael, this got you in trouble in ’93. It got you in trouble in 2003. You need to cut this out”? You will tell him that?

MAGNIFICENT: I will say this to Michael. I will say, “Michael, it’s time for you to use certain judgments, because the press will condone you and condemn you no matter what you do. So even though you’re innocent, and even though nothing-you would never hurt a child and everybody knows that, they will try to make something ugly out of it.”

SCARBOROUGH: All right. Thank you so much again. Majestik, Stacy Brown, and Lisa Bloom, we appreciate you being with us.

And stick around. We got a lot more SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY straight ahead. Abercrombie & Fitch is pulling their pornographic catalogs from the shelf for now but promises there’s much more to come. Hey, where are the clothes in these clothing ads? Later, I have issues with Barbra Streisand. She had her day in court and she lost. Stick around to hear my issue with her sad excuse for a lawsuit.

