Scarborough County: Diane Dimond and Michelle Caruso (March 6 2006)


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'Scarborough Country' for March 6
Read the transcript to the Monday show

Updated: 11:28 a.m. ET March 7, 2006

Guests: John Coifman, James Hirsen, Robin Bronk, Kent Greenfield, William Eskridge, Flag Youngblood, Michael Brown, Diane Dimond, Michelle Caruso


SCARBOROUGH: That‘s Michael Jackson‘s and his big brother, Jermaine, during Michael‘s child molestation industrial trial.

But according to public reports, Jermaine was shopping a splashy tell-all book in which he reveals the family‘s concern over Michael‘s affection for little boys, his drug and alcohol abuse and even the idea that Jacko may have been abused by his father.

Here to talk about it is Michelle Caruso, who‘s written extensively on the Jacksons for the “New York Daily News.”

Also, Diane Dimond, author of “Be Careful Who You Love. Diane, pretty amazing. Tell us about it.

DIANE DIMOND, AUTHOR, “BE CAREFUL WHO YOU LOVE”: It all began back in 2003, when Jermaine Jackson is said to have sort of gathered forces with a writer named Stacy Brown, a longtime friend of the Jackson family. And they came up with this nine-page proposal. I‘ve had it for quite awhile. Kudos to Michelle for getting it out in the newspapers.

It is really dramatic, Joe, I‘ll tell you. It not only talks about the possibility that the family thought that Michael Jackson might be guilty, very well might have been guilty of the child molestation charges but that they worried about the safety of his own nephews that they him interacting with in a strange way.

His drug abuse. There‘s a part telling us why Michael Jackson hates Jews so much. Talking about his drug abuse and what not.

This was the line that jumped out at me the most. I‘ll just read it quick. “The Demeral, Vicodin, Percoset, the codeine, the cocaine, the Jack Daniels, the wine, does he really know what he does with these kids? I don‘t want to tell you my brother is innocent. I‘m not certain he is.”

Now, this is the man...

SCARBOROUGH: Tell us about the document that you‘re reading from right there.

DIMOND: Yes, this is the nine-page proposal that Michelle reported on over the weekend, stunning most of America. It really–it‘s an amazing document coming from the brother who was so out front during and before and after the trial, saying my brother was the victim. My brother was innocent. Now, on these pages, he doesn‘t say that doesn‘t look that way. OK. Michelle talking about the impact on the Jackson family and how did Michael Jackson kill the book deal?

MICHELLE CARUSO, “NEW YORK DAILY NEWS”: Well, Joe, I think that the Jackson family, at the time they first found out about this book proposal back in 2003, when Michael was facing the child molestation charges, the family was devastated. They had frantic meetings. Michael went ballistic, and Jermaine backed down. I think this book proposal threw the family into turmoil but no one more so than Michael.

SCARBOROUGH: And Diane Dimond is talking about how they were afraid that he was acting inappropriately toward some nephews. Are you telling me that some of Michael Jackson‘s own brothers were–didn‘t like the way that he interacted with their children?

CARUSO: In the book proposal, Jermaine talks about having observed Michael Jackson hugging his nephews, the sons of Tito Jackson, after the death of the boy‘s mother, which I believe was in 1995. And that he felt uncomfortable watching Michael sit on the bed and hug these boys.

SCARBOROUGH: You know, Diane, what‘s so sickening to me is the fact that Jermaine came on during the trial, as you said, was beating his chest self righteously, saying how could you all accuse my brother of molesting any little children. Or acting inappropriately. Think, maybe he even played the race card. I guess this sort of paints Jermaine as a hypocrite, right?

DIMOND: Let‘s see. A member of the Jackson family acting in a dysfunctional manner. I‘m shocked!

Yes. No, you hit the nail on the head. He was all over the airwaves talking about–what did he say, this was a modern day lynching of his brother. In the meantime he had already been working on this proposal with Stacy Brown, who has written other books in the past, saying in effect to publishers, “Hey, by this book from me and I‘ll tell you all about it. I‘ll tell you what the real–what the family really thinks about Michael.

SCARBOROUGH: Unbelievable. Diane Dimond and Michelle Caruso. Thanks so much. We‘re going to have you back, because this story is going to be developing. Greatly appreciate you being here tonight.

We‘ll be right back with more.



New member
I'm soooo tired of her Lord!!! I just want to get in close quarters with her. I just need ten minutes.I would bring so much fire to her ass she would swear my name was Lucifer!!!!