[quote name="oldschoolfan"]
Haha when you said bowl I was thinking 'uuuh Betty, they go in a cage...', I probably should have read everything you said first! But anyway, seeing as I just finished studying critters, and a budgie is a critter, perhaps I can help with some advice (after all, 'tis what I'm qualified to do!). I can give you some links to some information on budgies if you want.[/quote]
LOL Yeah I need a cage. I want to make sure if will be large enough. I don't want to put it in a small cage. I've read that can cause some of them to become depressed. They're just so darn expensive tho. :/
But I am willing to invest! I want some sort of companion other than the dogs. Actually they're not really mine...I just feed them and take em to the vet and will give them affection and such but they're mine to the point that I can take them with me if I move. I want something I can call my own and form a close bond with.
I did want this small green parrot. But it was bought by another person. I was very upset....but I am sure a budgie will be just fine for me! Just got to make sure it will be a young one. Preferably a male.
I've gone to this site which has a lot of info
But if you find anyone more please post them or pm them to me. I need all the info I can get.