The Albatross


New member

Just for a moment
You are an albatross
Just picture it

You’re one of seas largest birds
with your glorious wing span
So long and slender
Sailing naturally across the southern seas
You are a master of your element

but one day
When the sun’s going down
you see a ship in the distance
flying its flag
Leaving a trail of squid behind it

You have a chick to provide for
so after it you go
Sliding across the skies
and quarrel with the other sea birds
just before the chance of food sinks
Out of reach.

You grasp it and swallow it down
Unexpectedly you feel an unbearable pain
You shriek out so loud!
There’s a hook implanted in your throat
you’re powerless as you’re being dragged down
into the gloomy, cold waters

You’re choking and drowning
pulled further and further down
Until that fisherman hauls up your
Dishevelled corpse
And you’re discarded to one side
at the same time as your chick sits
Pending your homecoming
but you’re never coming back

And soon he’ll die too

Imagine for a moment
that you are an albatross
Can you imagine it?

How does it feel?



This is kinda based on an article i read today about how the Albatross is almost exstinct and it really got to me so I used the article to come up with this poem, I hope you like it :)


New member
omg sarah thats so sad, that nearly made me cry. I was watching a thing on tv today too about how albatrosses are becoming extinct...its so sad :( It was a really good poem though....really hits you.