The Creepy Painting Explained


New member
I really feel the need to set the record straight on this one. The New York Post and some other websites are refering to a painting in the Michael Jackson Opus as "The Creepy Painting". It shows MJ wearing a loin cloth surrounded by naked cherubs putting flowers in his hair. You don't need me to tell you the implications. The problem is the painting is a reproduction, or an amalgamation of 2 paintings. I will let you judge for yourself.


The real painting was done in 1886 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau a very famous French artist, and the first is a statue called David by Michelangelo. Yes, the same Michelangelo MJ talked about in the Oprah interview.


New member
EXCELLENT post. I didn't know this was so reknowned outside the MJcommunity lol. Much less known as 'the creepy painting.'

People don't understand Michael's deep knowledge and passion for art. And that he had a good reason for everything he did.

Thanks for the info. I knew it looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it! Bouguereau painted one of my all-time favorite pieces...


New member
Does this look familiar to anyone? It is a painting by a very famous American artist called Maxfield Parrish, and the painting is called Daybreak.



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Pirate. said:
EXCELLENT post. I didn't know this was so reknowned outside the MJcommunity lol. Much less known as 'the creepy painting.'

People don't understand Michael's deep knowledge and passion for art. And that he had a good reason for everything he did.

Thanks for the info. I knew it looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it! Bouguereau painted one of my all-time favorite pieces...

I maybe blind, but I don't see any penises in Michael's reproduction unlike the originals.


New member
I knew that it resembled Michelangelo's David, but was unaware that it resembled another painting.

The 2nd painting! Wow....YANA!


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OneMoreChance said:
I knew that it resembled Michelangelo's David, but was unaware that it resembled another painting.

The 2nd painting! Wow....YANA!

That right YANA. That is what I call bringing art to life. There is also another painting people like to make fun of, it is the last supper, in which they say Michael saw himself as Christ. It is really ridiculous, I will find pictures of both, place them alongside each other and let posters be the judge.


New member
Teva said:
That right YANA. That is what I call bringing art to life. There is also another painting people like to make fun of, it is the last supper, in which they say Michael saw himself as Christ. It is really ridiculous, I will find pictures of both, place them alongside each other and let posters be the judge.

I know which painting your talking about. Michael didn't see himself as Christ. I highly doubt that was his intention for that painting! It was just Michael surrounded by people who have inspired him!


New member
I've known about YANA coming from Daybreak, but that first portrait was a surprise! No wonder it looked familiar...


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I don’t even know where to start with this one, a decent response could take pages, but here goes. Journalists, mental health and Michael Jackson experts all claim Michael saw himself as the Messiah based on the below painting. The painting is supposed to be a copy of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, the real painting is displayed just beneath for comparison. Firstly if Michael wanted to cast himself as Jesus he would have stuck his head on Jesus’ body in a robe and he would have done the same with the supposed disciples. However, this is not the case and each person is painted as themselves. Michael is dressed in the same Jacket he wore for the We Are The World video which leads me to believe this was commissioned shortly after Thriller. MOST IMPORTANTLY THERE IS NO SUPPER, there is no food how can you have a painting of the last supper without wine and bread? Let’s not even talk about the décor of the room. IMO it looks like a board meeting.



New member
Teva said:
I don’t even know where to start with this one, a decent response could take pages, but here goes. Journalists, mental health and Michael Jackson experts all claim Michael saw himself as the Messiah based on the below painting. The painting is supposed to be a copy of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, the real painting is displayed just beneath for comparison. Firstly if Michael wanted to cast himself as Jesus he would have stuck his head on Jesus’ body in a robe and he would have done the same with the supposed disciples. However, this is not the case and each person is painted as themselves. Michael is dressed in the same Jacket he wore for the We Are The World video which leads me to believe this was commissioned shortly after Thriller. MOST IMPORTANTLY THERE IS NO SUPPER, there is no food how can you have a painting of the last supper without wine and bread? Let’s not even talk about the décor of the room. IMO it looks like a board meeting.


He surrounded himself with very influential historical figures.


New member
If Michael saw himself as Christ, he would have painted the picture himself. A lot of haters fail to take note that a lot of the portraits Michael had were gifts from artists.
I'm not a fan of them, I do find some of them a bit odd, but that don't mean that the pictures reflect Michael's views on himself.


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Oldschooly said:
If Michael saw himself as Christ, he would have painted the picture himself. A lot of haters fail to take note that a lot of the portraits Michael had were gifts from artists.
I'm not a fan of them, I do find some of them a bit odd, but that don't mean that the pictures reflect Michael's views on himself.

Michael did commission a lot of paintings of himself though. So it's hard to know which ones were gifts or not.


New member
I have always found Michael's paintings fascinating, and they potrayal in the public by the media. Seven Bowie of recently did an interview with the artist Nate Giorgio who painted the supposed Michael Jackson "Last Supper" as the media calls it. The painting is actually called Heroes and this is what he had to say about it.

"Heroes is one of my favorites too because it includes the people who really blew MJ away. Like Disney, man he loved that guy. The other person he tuly loved and would talk to me about all the time was Norman Rockwell! He was obsessed with him and his art. We would watch DVD's of him and MJ would say - look at his walk, check it out! He studed eveything about him, no one really knows this."​

It seems instead of Michael casting himself as Jesus he was more a desciple of these people. For the full interview read


New member
Teva said:
I have always found Michael's paintings fascinating, and they potrayal in the public by the media. Seven Bowie of recently did an interview with the artist Nate Giorgio who painted the supposed Michael Jackson "Last Supper" as the media calls it. The painting is actually called Heroes and this is what he had to say about it.

"Heroes is one of my favorites too because it includes the people who really blew MJ away. Like Disney, man he loved that guy. The other person he tuly loved and would talk to me about all the time was Norman Rockwell! He was obsessed with him and his art. We would watch DVD's of him and MJ would say - look at his walk, check it out! He studed eveything about him, no one really knows this."​

It seems instead of Michael casting himself as Jesus he was more a desciple of these people. For the full interview read

Thak you for the link, it's interesting.


New member
Teva said:
I have always found Michael's paintings fascinating, and they potrayal in the public by the media. Seven Bowie of recently did an interview with the artist Nate Giorgio who painted the supposed Michael Jackson "Last Supper" as the media calls it. The painting is actually called Heroes and this is what he had to say about it.

"Heroes is one of my favorites too because it includes the people who really blew MJ away. Like Disney, man he loved that guy. The other person he tuly loved and would talk to me about all the time was Norman Rockwell! He was obsessed with him and his art. We would watch DVD's of him and MJ would say - look at his walk, check it out! He studed eveything about him, no one really knows this."​

It seems instead of Michael casting himself as Jesus he was more a desciple of these people. For the full interview read

Thanks for the link! :D