The lesser known of Michael\'s fashion


New member
I have never NEVER seen this outfit before, let alone Michael in LEOPARD PRINT!


So I had to start a thread for pictures of Michael's not quite so iconic, but still extremely awesome fashion. *sigh* Is there anything he CAN'T do?


New member
Oh really? :unsure2 It probably was, I have a bad memory.
And I actually like this outfit, I don't think anyone else could get away with it of course!


New member
I must be the only person on the planet who likes this outfit! If it was anyone but Michael I probably wouldn't, but Michael is one of those people who to me could wear anything and look awesome.


New member
LOL I hate the pants. With a passion. Animal prints are fine (as long as they're not real of course) but just not on pants. Not even female pants. It's too much but it is Michael and it's not too surprising. You just have to look at it for a long while and then say to yourself, "Oh okay. It's Michael. He can pull it off."

I like the money shirt though! It's NOT something I would expect Michael to wear. It's kinda funny actually. :2tongue

Let me see what I can find.

Here's one where I thought it was kinda too much but I'll admit that I HAVE left out the house in a rush many times with stuff that did NOT match at all. I'm talking about clothes like purple pants with skulls, red betty boop shirt, with black sneakers, and orange socks, and a gray hat, with a purple zebra stripped jacket...LOL. Outta control!

LOL wow Mike you sure can get away with everything :)
I wuld let him slide with the animal print simply because that outfit I think it fits him.
Now the pic when he has on all the colors outrageous!!! BUT still caught my eye ;) . I love color and I love 2 see colors and patterns mixed and matched so he gives me ideas LOL : D
THnx guys 4 sharing ;)