The Lost Children

Hey guys! This is my first time ever posting in this area...I hope this is good! Anyways, over on MJJF I wrote this in reply to a thread over there...It's about my favorite song....It's one of them anyways! Hope you like, and tell me what you think! Thanks!
This song, when I first heard it, made me cry. I think it's something along the lines of Heal the World, one about all the wrong that's going on in the world. But this one talks about the most fragile and delicate population-Children.
Where it starts off in the beginning with Prince and "Baby Rubba" playing a game of hide and seek, where Prince yells "Last one to the porch is a rotten egg!" That little exclamation makes me want to cry. Not for Michael, not for Prince, but for children. I've never, even after listening to Heal the World or Man In The Mirror, realized how hard CHILDREN have it. I mean there are children who can't run around and play hide and seek with their friends for fear of war, guns, and hate. Hate is a disease that's incurable, malignant, and running awry in our streets, our cities, our counties, our states, our regions, our country, our continent-our world. It made me realize that because of adults decisions, children now have to pay the consequences from adults actions-which just isn't fair. Too many children get raped, molested, kidnapped, and killed EVERY DAY. Something has got to stop, and someone has got to help. This isn't a problem that will just go away if we ignore it. This is not a cut that needs fresh air. This is a gash, a stab in the heart, that needs an tourniquette and some stitches, not a kiss and a band-aid. This will not stop all the wrong that is being done to innocent children everywhere.
The song made me realize just how much people ignore the world's problems and cast them off as "someone else's fault". It is no one's specific fault. It's everyone's. Everyone has contributed, and everyone must participate to clean up their mess. It's so easy to see, but yet so many people are blind to it, like the line "I see the door simply wide open, but no one can find thee." People see the door, but ignore it. This song is truly a public awareness song, one that needs to be heard by everyone, not just by the group of Michael Jackson fans. Fans can help, but fans cannot fix. The whole world is needed to fix, to help, to find, and to give back what The Lost Children have forgotten-love and innocence.

Thanks again!