TMZ to Janet Jackson: We’re Sorry


New member
Now this is an understatement: Post by timkardashian
Sometimes our “sources” can be wrong.

"Last week TMZ posted a story about Janet Jackson having a confrontation with her niece Paris Jackson, over her twitter habits. During the confrontation a source told TMZ that there was some pushing and shoving. Right after the shoving match Janet according to TMZ allegedly called Paris a spoiled little b*itch. Welp Janet apparently did not like that so much so she threatened to sue the Celebrity Gossip Website. Below is their retraction:

Janet Jackson did not slap or verbally abuse Paris Jackson during a confrontation at the Jackson family home in Calabasas last week.
TMZ published a story last week based on sources who told us Janet went off on Michael Jackson’s daughter after the singer tried to grab Paris’ cell phone. We also reported Janet called Paris a “spoiled little bitch.”

Although we believed the story to be true when we published it, we have now determined it was not correct … Janet did not slap or otherwise touch Paris, nor did she verbally abuse her.

Now which is owned by a lawyer almost never do retractions. In this case due to Janet’s reputation she was forced to weigh her legal options towards the blog and threatened to sue. Which in return they retracted their story. Last week I was going to post about this but thought mehh don’t. I don’t believe Janet would say something like that about her own niece. Sometimes our “sources” can be wrong."



Staff member
Assholes. I never believed that mess. That story was suspicious to begin with b/c it just didn't smell right.

Janet Jackson Did Not Fight With Paris Jackson
By Sowmya Krishnamurthy

Amid the Jackson family drama over Michael Jackson's estate and the custody of his children, reports surfaced that Janet Jackson had at one point, verbally abused and slapped Michael' daughter Paris. Now those claims are being rescinded by the same outlet that broke them.

TMZ shared a statement, "Although we believed the story to be true when we published it, we have now determined it was not correct ... Janet did not slap or otherwise touch Paris, nor did she verbally abuse her."

Last week, details emerged about a huge melee at the home of Katherine Jackson, Michael's mother. At the time, sources shared with TMZ that Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson entered the home uninvited and then tried to coerce Michael's children into coming with them to Arizona where their grandmother and guardian Katherine had been staying. Paris resisted the intervention and things allegedly got violent. This is when Janet was reported as slapping Paris and yelled, "You're a spoiled little bitch!" to which Paris responded with a slap and told Janet, "This is our house. Not the Jackson family house. Get the f--k out!"

It's clear that this very public drama has several layers and much of the goings on are left to speculation. A few days ago, Katherine and Michael's children seemed to put aside their differences with the rest of the family for the moment by attending the Unity tour in Saratoga, NY where Jackson brothers Marlon, Tito, Jackie and Jermaine were touring.



New member
Never thought I'd see the day when TMZ apologize. They have no business making up a story like that in the first place.


New member
I think the media has found a new Jackson to pick on I'm afraid. I also think that if the media was forced to apologize when ever they got a story wrong that they would be so exhausted from having to apologize so much that may actually try to get things right for a change. Wishful thinking.