Unconditional Innocence.


New member
I'm going to guess you all share the same belief as me, that Michael Jackson is INNOCENT of the current charges facing him.

We've all followed the case, we know the FACTS, and we've made up our minds.

What if he is convicted?
I honestly don't believe he will be, but there IS that possibility... the decision is going to be made by 12 certainly not perfect people. They can make mistakes.

If Michael Jackson is convicted (*knocks on wood*), would it change your opinion on his innocence?

For me: No.

Why? I've reviewed the facts, I have the court transcripts (MJJSource), and I DO NOT believe any of the charges for one second. Why, then, should the opinion of 12 people change my opinion? It's the same as if Nancy Grace and Diane Diamond gathered 12 anti-MJers on their show and get them to shout at us their opinions on television. Would that change my opinion? Hell no!

I just wanted to know, from everyone, where do you stand in the case that Michael is (wrongfully) convicted?

Tiger Lilly

New member
If God forbid Michael's convicted it won't change my mind about him at all. Like you said I've read the facts for myself. I've taken in everything I can about this case and I know myself what I think, and that is that he is innocent. I don't need a jury or a judge or anyone to tell me what I believe. Nothing will ever change that...