Various Discussions I\'ve Had With People who think He\'s Guilty


New member
I'm a regular at another board, where in the past I've brought up various articles concerning Michael or engaged in threads already started about him. I've had to witness the arguments of people who think he's guilty. Although, most of it was quite comical, but at times it just became rather pathetic.

Anyway, here are the conversations... ya'll probably won't be that surprised by the level of ignorance.

Conversation (rather long)

MJ: Guilty or Innocent?

Another Conversation, relating to the accuser and his credibility

Why is Michael Jackson a Free Man?

Uh Oh, Michael

Conversation about the Accuser's mother pleading the Fifth

Michael Paid Past Accuser $23 Million...

Insiders Feel Michael will Commit Suicide


New member
I haven't read them but I know they're ignorant. Sometimes there's just no point arguing.. people should just accept that you like Michael and to not bother trying to convince you otherwise.

Tiger Lilly

New member
I'd read them but I know I'd get angry and join in, trying to convince everyone he's innocent when it's pointless. I'm stubborn like that. :laugh

Like Chris said, sometimes there's no point arguing. I'd much rather have a discussion here with people who are actually informed properly about this "case". :)

Stay here and join in the fun, KittyCA! :D


New member
I can't read those thoughts of those people, I can get very angry and then depressed about the things people say about Michael. What especially hurts is the fact that they are blindly accussing him and are not taking time to so much as sit their bloody asses down and read/listen between the lines when they read/watch the news on the going on of this 'case'.

-If ignorance was a crime there'd be more jails than homes,schools,churches etc....

Think about it :wink


New member
Originally posted by Eboni
I can't read those thoughts of those people, I can get very angry and then depressed about the things people say about Michael. What especially hurts is the fact that they are blindly accussing him and are not taking time to so much as sit their bloody asses down and read/listen between the lines when they read/watch the news on the going on of this 'case'.

-If ignorance was a crime there'd be more jails than homes,schools,churches etc....

Think about it :wink
I know exactly what you mean Eboni, that's why when someone says they think he's guilty I change the subject because if we keep talking about whether or not Michael's guilty their gonna say the wrong thing and then I'll be forced to go upside their head! People are so stupid! They will eat amazing amounts of BULLSHIT from bitches like diane dunghead diamond and nancy disgrace instead of doing the research themselves and then making their own decision. It makes me very angry and very sad, and when I get in that mood, I just look at pics of MJ smiling because he's smile always makes me happy!


New member
Originally posted by mjwifey3
I know exactly what you mean Eboni, that's why when someone says they think he's guilty I change the subject because if we keep talking about whether or not Michael's guilty their gonna say the wrong thing and then I'll be forced to go upside their head! People are so stupid! They will eat amazing amounts of BULLSHIT from bitches like diane dunghead diamond and nancy disgrace instead of doing the research themselves and then making their own decision. It makes me very angry and very sad, and when I get in that mood, I just look at pics of MJ smiling because he's smile always makes me happy!

Hello hon' :D

-Glad you're online :thumbsup

-...Pictures of Michael smiling.........

-Girl, now why'd you go and say something like that huh??? :lol:


New member
Originally posted by Eboni
Hello hon' :D

-Glad you're online :thumbsup

-...Pictures of Michael smiling.........

-Girl, now why'd you go and say something like that huh??? :lol:
sorry I couldn't help it..... that smile mmm.... it does a body good! :lol:


New member
Yeah, ignorance is ripe over there. But there are some really great people who see alot of sense when it comes to Michael. I'm not the only one who thinks Michael is getting screwed over. There's a discussion currently going on about what happened in court yesterday:

If anyone's interested in reading it... :)

I always come here and read what's going on. Love this board!


Eww, LiveDaily. :laugh

I've retired from that board. I used to post there all the time.


I see it's the same mother f*ckers saying shit as always. I remember you KittyCA. ^_^

I'm Vicky, if you remember me. :)

Instead of a Christina site, I now have a Michael site... I still like Christina, but she's idle right now...and I tend to not like her fans. :laugh
