What happened to me today..


New member
:) :) :)

Okay, now on with the story. :)

Okay, so today I was out and about, doing errands and everything else, and I come out of the 7-11, heading back to my car, and something catches my eye. "It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's two teenage girls wearing Michael Jackson t-shirts!" :eek: :D

Okay, maybe not that shocking, but I live in Toronto, and you don't regularly see people here wearing MJ clothing, and I have to tell you, it was so refreshing seeing that two TEENAGE girls (who would've guessed?) are Michael Jackson fans! It was great!

I just thought I'd share. :)


New member
lol I'm a teenage girl. (About to be 18 :59:)
If I could get a MJ shirt I'd wear it! But, New Orleans hardly ever has shirts with celebrity pics on it....just picture of boobs. :lol