Which one of these low-lifes would you wanna beat up?


New member
I'm sure we've all had those moments when our blood starts to boil because some anti-Michael hater says something real dumb and untrue. Well this is just a fun poll to see which one you dislike the MOST. I'm sure we all really dislike all of these low-lifed fools but take your pic if you had a chance to physically slap them! lol :)
p.s-Sneddon's not on here because I know he'd be the MOST hated one!


New member
Th reason I personally chose Gloria Alred is because she's trying to take Michael's children away from him. Sjhe not only talks the evil talk but she walks the evil walk and this woman is sent to earth straight from hell. Low life bit*&!!!


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Gloria Aldead, while the other choices are equally dispicable, I agree that trying to take away Michael's children just makes me beyond angry. I hope Aldead rots in hell someday.


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hmmm...I hate em all! But I chose Alred since Apart of Michael's is wanted to be taken away :( thats lowlife biatch!


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I have no idea who any of these people are and I'm not a violent person so I wouldn't slap anyone.

This Gloria person - does she happen to be Debbie's lawyer? In which case isn't it Debbie you should be blaming?


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Originally posted by JANIE
I have no idea who any of these people are and I'm not a violent person so I wouldn't slap anyone.

This Gloria person - does she happen to be Debbie's lawyer? In which case isn't it Debbie you should be blaming?

I think if you did know these disrespectful people, you'd wanna kill them...lol NO, Gloria used to work in the 1993 case I believe and she, on her OWN, wants to take Mj's kids away from him. She has absolutely nothing to do with Debbie Rowe.

Michaels Lover

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Originally posted by MjsBabyMomma
Th reason I personally chose Gloria Alred is because she's trying to take Michael's children away from him. Sjhe not only talks the evil talk but she walks the evil walk and this woman is sent to earth straight from hell. Low life bit*&!!!
that's the reason i voted for her too


New member
I voted Gloria Allred. I didn't know she used to work on the 1993 case and I believe she's defenantly in bed with Sneddon.


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Okay - so in that case I agree she's out of order... Erm... why does she want to do this and just how the heck does she think she can after Michael was just proven innocent?


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How can ANYONE not want to beat these people up? I know we all have our own opinions but haven't ya'll(who voted for ur not gonna beat them up)seen these people hurt mj? especially GLORIA HELLREAD!


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I say Diane Dimond because of the dirty look she gave me in the courtroom last March, :hitting and Nancy Grace is the next runner up


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Originally posted by sistahlamb
I voted Gloria Allred. I didn't know she used to work on the 1993 case and I believe she's defenantly in bed with Sneddon.

i agree!!!she deserves to be in hell...makes one wonder y she's even here... :extremely