You learn something new everyday


New member
"Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa" - Wanna be startin' somethin'

Well I was talking to this guy name InvisibleJ on, he's knower of all things MJ and well he said its an African tribe chant, I don't know which one and Shamone is also an African word,
Shamone= understand



New member
I've heard of Invinsible J! I sometimes lurk @, and the posters are a little anal about some things, but they had me rolling, especially when they got to talking about Corey Feldman. Gurl..... :lol:
Very Interesting ;)

When I was young I used to think when Michael was singing this part "Ma ma se, ma ma sa, ma ma coo sa" - he was actually singing, Sing a song that Michael sung :laugh



Yep, it's also an african song. :laugh

My dad has it...he's african. It goes..mama se..mama sa, mama ma coo sa...yaaaaaaaay.



I remember Vicky actually taught me the whole "mama se, mama sa, mama ma coo sa" thing! :D Before I could never pronouce it! LOL But I atleast knew it was african.

but shamone was new to me! It makes sense! =D


New member

and you knew the word "champagne"? Well, okay...I GUESS you're excused. I knew what Budlight and Miller beer was when I was young but only because I once accused my cousin of drinking when all he had was some apple cider. :lol:

Now if you could name the BRANDS of champagne at 10, I'm sorry but I'd have to kick your little ass for that one.
