your favortie MJ moments

I thought I'd bring this back.... Here's mine.... :D

1. "Go to hell." :laugh

2. "I just took a shower. I'm a nice person."

3. " I wanna be like my daddy."-Paris

4.Michael feeding blanket sooooo cute

5. RTT Video :licklips: :tooexcite

6. " I love to tour" :crackingu

7. The Kiss :licklips: :tooexcite

What's your's?



New member
Hmm...I think mine are...

1) When he sits in his "Giving Tree" in LWMJ.
2) "I wanna be like my daddy" - Paris
3) The Childhood video
4) The pie-war with Macaulay Culkin and John Landis in 'Making of Black or White'
5) "F-U-C-K the press, Michael you´re the best. I don´t wanna say the word..."
6) When he dance with the rabbit in Speed Demon, Moonwalker.


New member
Ooooh i love threads like these. :D

Here are mine. i could carry on for ages lol.

1. Ahh tell er to go to hell :crackingu

2. I'll give you more than a hug

3. In his giving tree when he waves down

4. On the bad tour in wembley when he went I LOVE U ENGLAND ans laughed at the camera and put his hand on it lol.

5. Shopping Mall :laugh

6. "I love to tour" :crackingu :crackingu :crackingu :crackingu :crackingu



Tiger Lilly

New member
1) "Hello Emily." *hugs little girl with cancer who's too shy to look at Michael* "Welcome to the shy club."

2) "I love to tour!"

3) "I'm a nice person! I just took a shower and washed my hair thoroughly!"

4) Michael visiting children in hospital in Romania '92

5) Giving tree in LWMJ

6) Pie fight in the making of BOW

7) Egg hunt day at Neverland

8) Michael's expression when watching "Salvation Army tomorrow Bill!"

9) "Martin Bashir? Oh he was a loser!"

10) Oxford Speech



New member
Heres Mine

1. 'Salvation Army tomorow Bill'
2. 'Super Soaker... I can feel it and tell' :inlove I just love how he says that
3. I'll give you more than a hug! :crackingu fab!
4. Shopping in PHM 'If can't keep track of your cart, then you shouldn't shop' :laugh
5. Every momement he's on stage!
6. 'I love to tour'
7. The Egg Hunt in PHM :inlove
8. Oxford Speech - It made me cry
9. All the time of him with the kids, he always looks so happy
10 dancing on the car at the 1st arraignment :laugh Classic Mike!

Theres more but i'll leave it there...


New member
4.Michael feeding blanket sooooo cute

I'm sorry if this sounds like being a bad fan but I thought it was cute...and funny at the same time. He was just hopping blanket on his leg!

5) Giving tree in LWMJ

I don't like seeing that at all. To me, he looks like he's really lonely and it's depressing.


New member
LOL on this unauthorised video interview of him from the 80's...when he starts randomly singing 'dancing on a cloouuud' and LMAO when he says 'i LOVE inbreds' :crackingu

Tiger Lilly

New member
Originally posted by DarkChild
LOL on this unauthorised video interview of him from the 80's...when he starts randomly singing 'dancing on a cloouuud' and LMAO when he says 'i LOVE inbreds' :crackingu
Oooo anothr fave from the unauthorised interview is when he says "It's a magical night.... It's MAGIC out here" :laugh

:crackingu "I LOVE inbreds"


New member
OMFG the amount of times he says the word magic...jeez.

And LOL when he whacked himself on the back with the window shutter :laugh

Tiger Lilly

New member
Originally posted by DarkChild
OMFG the amount of times he says the word magic...jeez.

And LOL when he whacked himself on the back with the window shutter :laugh
LMFAO I was just thinking of that! :crackingu He tries so hard to cover it up by smiling. :laugh


New member
Originally posted by DarkChild
LOL on this unauthorised video interview of him from the 80's...when he starts randomly singing 'dancing on a cloouuud' and LMAO when he says 'i LOVE inbreds' :crackingu

:crackingu looose you forgot the urn shopping and the laughing in the car in Birlin, then the weird dancing at the end of moonwalker :crackingu


New member
Originally posted by sexymichael
:crackingu looose you forgot the urn shopping and the laughing in the car in Birlin, then the weird dancing at the end of moonwalker :crackingu

BOFL! How many times did we watching that laughing in the car thing at my house :crackingu About a million.

And ohhhh the urn shopping. How could I forget!

minnie michael

New member
yes all of you mentioned make me feel good..very very happy.. :D :D :D

answer the question: MIkey said go to hell in 02 maybe according to my memory, at that time MIke was angry about Sony things and then a reporter asked him something about that bitching Diomand's report..and MIkey told Diamond, go to hell..xixiixi :laugh :laugh :laugh

you could watch that part at jetzi...iixixixiii

what a adorable MIke.. :wink