Baby [We Aren’t] Going To Vegas or Being “Gangsta”; Bain Steps It Up?

Tabloid Junkie

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Baby [We Aren’t] Going To Vegas or Being “Gangsta”; Bain Steps It Up?

Michael Jackson is not going to Vegas. As reported and predicted in my first editorial, Michael Jackson would not resort to B-List Superstar Town. Celine Dion can stay situated in her Casino; she won’t see Michael’s show across the entertainment strip. Though it’s been widely reported and rumored he’s been shopping a Vegas Casino Show during his stay in Vegas over the past few months, Raymone Bain, Michael’s very busy spokeswoman, released a statement that firmly addressed a series of issues and rumors that have been circulating in the fan community for much too long. Oh, and I hope you caught my mere sarcasm in regards to Raymone being a studious and productive spokesperson. Though I’d usually promote the idea of taking everything Miss. Bain says with “a grain of salt”, it’s seemingly apparent that Michael contributed his say towards the February 27th statement.

Within the statement, Miss Bain also denied rumors that Michael Jackson solicited, inquired, or received those widely reported NBA All Star Game tickets. The frivolous rumors suggesting Michael is resorting to his family and conducting a tour with Janet Jackson and the rest of his brothers can also be deemed false. This seems to be all too enlightening and refreshing to fans who are anticipating a Mariah Carey-like comeback. The biggest shock to the fan community was that Raymone finally settled speculation about the authenticity of the newly leaked “No Friend of Mine” featuring C-List rapper Tempamental and The Fugee’s own Pras. Since its leak, many felt it was not necessarily a solid effort to be a finalized track for Michael’s upcoming album, which is NOT titled “Carry On”, despite the recent, very confusing article. However, there is and always will be a selection of fans who simply admire “No Friend of Mine” due to the fact it reassures them that Michael is still currently in the musical scene.

It was about time for Raymone to pencil in time into her ‘very busy schedule’ to address these issues. Her ‘stressful role’ in Michael’s management merely consists of reading articles and applying a ‘Deny’ statement to each selection of news. Not to say that she’s incorrect; instead of innumerable denials, it would be enlightening for her to actually address what IS going on in Michael Jackson’s life. If and when she does that, maybe Roger Friedman, a D-List gossip columnist for can refrain from continuing to publish apparent misinformation and fabrications which mislead his declining number of readers. Simple statements in regards of progress of Michael’s work and status can help maintain confidence and preserve the foundation of Michael’s fan base; Michael would probably wish to not have a decreasing fan base such as Britney Spears’ since her ‘balding’ antics. So far, Michael’s fan base has seemingly been patient.

For entire editorial: Click Here For Full Editorial


New member
I am not complaining about Raymone's abilities. She's doing just fine for the moment.

Right now, I don't think it's fair to expect his camp to be anything more right now than they are. At the moment, things appear to be chilled out for Michael, despite his recent appearances and travels. It hasn't reached a fever pitch yet. We've only seen glimpses of what is to come. Once he starts back into the music scene again, THEN we can talk about expecting regular updates and press releases. Let's hope a web site is in the works for that purpose. Mike needs one.

As for Friedman, man f him. Please, like anyone cares about what he writes about. You said it yourself, he has dwindling readership, and for good reason. He still gets it wrong whether or not Raymone speaks or not. Michael is always going to get rumors circulating him regardless of what's going on in his life so why should any of his fans be worried about him.
MJ_Is_The_King;188315 said:
Does this mean that we won't be getting a new album from him?

No, it only means that some of the things previously reported/speculated aren't exactly as they were written about in the press (i.e the "Gangsta" thing or the "new Jackson family tour" lol). But he is still working on music, so, it's just a matter of time..;) And Raymone never said he WOULDN'T be doing anything in Vegas; she only denied that HE was the one who instigated it or anything was set in stone yet (of course, even if it were, I doubt it would be announced just yet anyway..they gotta build the momentum first :p )..but she DID still say, in her recent release, that he was looking at offers, so..:D

Plus this is only an OPINION piece :cool:

So..we shall see! :popcorn
HeavenSent;188316 said:
I am not complaining about Raymone's abilities. She's doing just fine for the moment.

Right now, I don't think it's fair to expect his camp to be anything more right now than they are. At the moment, things appear to be chilled out for Michael, despite his recent appearances and travels. It hasn't reached a fever pitch yet. We've only seen glimpses of what is to come. Once he starts back into the music scene again, THEN we can talk about expecting regular updates and press releases. Let's hope a web site is in the works for that purpose. Mike needs one.

As for Friedman, man f him. Please, like anyone cares about what he writes about. You said it yourself, he has dwindling readership, and for good reason. He still gets it wrong whether or not Raymone speaks or not. Michael is always going to get rumors circulating him regardless of what's going on in his life so why should any of his fans be worried about him.

Right on! :8-26-03respect:


New member
I think this article makes some good points, but I'm not sure I can agree with all of them.

Michael may not be planning a Vegas show like Celine Dion, but he could very well be planning something else in Vegas, as he is still considering offers.

And I think Raymone has done a great job. She's only one person and can't do everything. I'm sure we will all get more updates on Michael when his album release date is closer and plans are set in stone.


New member
I wonder what Michael actually WANTS to do, regardless of how it might be spinned. I'm sure he wants to keep making music, and we all know how he feels about "touring," but I know he likes to connect with the fans...I wonder if HE would enjoy doing a Vegas show. This whole "A-list,"B-list," thing, the way the guy in the editorial was talking about about it, reminds me of highschool: Michael better not sit at THAT table in the cafeteria with the "B-list" celebrities! Whatever. He's a legend and an artistic genuis. He can do whatever he wants.
FriendinMoscow;188372 said:
I wonder what Michael actually WANTS to do, regardless of how it might be spinned. I'm sure he wants to keep making music, and we all know how he feels about "touring," but I know he likes to connect with the fans...I wonder if HE would enjoy doing a Vegas show. This whole "A-list,"B-list," thing, the way the guy in the editorial was talking about about it, reminds me of highschool: Michael better not sit at THAT table in the cafeteria with the "B-list" celebrities! Whatever. He's a legend and an artistic genuis. He can do whatever he wants.

Exactly! :D And it's not like he hasn't already proven himself artistically, like you said..the man is a LEGEND. He could retire tommorow and STILL be noted for all his musical accomplishments. It's just a matter of him getting back into the spotlight and after all he has been through, it's both amazing and a blessing that it's apparently his CHOICE to do so. :) So I do think that while there are still certain things that he will have to, like any other entertainer, do to promote his product, he has a bit more artistic freedom than say, an act just starting out, you know? And I know many fans disagree with me on this, lol, but I think even if he DOES decide to do an actual, longterm "Vegas show", it could be to his benefit in a lot of ways...particurally personally, in the sense that he has made it quite clear, his general distaste for the concept of touring...I imagine it would be easier for him to keep it all in one place like that, not to mention for his kids. :8-26-03fruits_apple However, I do still think that he wants to keep it international for his fanbase to some extent, so I think even if he does that, he'll still find ways to promote all around...but I'm confident that whatever he does next, will blow us all away and be, as always, in a class all it's own. :cool:


New member
Yeah, if he were to do the Vegas thing (which I, personally, think is a good option for an entertainer who is a single parent) I'm sure he would keep himself international in every possible way, like always.

I can see pros AND cons to a potential Vegas gig, but, MY GOD, I think the guy who wrote that editorial was being such a snob! Like you say, Michael has already proven himself. He's not like a person just starting out. If he wants to do Vegas, there is no reason to be a snob about it; it's a perfectly respectable thing to do! It's just a matter of whether it will be good FOR HIM.

Tabloid Junkie

New member
FriendinMoscow;188387 said:
Yeah, if he were to do the Vegas thing (which I, personally, think is a good option for an entertainer who is a single parent) I'm sure he would keep himself international in every possible way, like always.

I can see pros AND cons to a potential Vegas gig, but, MY GOD, I think the guy who wrote that editorial was being such a snob! Like you say, Michael has already proven himself. He's not like a person just starting out. If he wants to do Vegas, there is no reason to be a snob about it; it's a perfectly respectable thing to do! It's just a matter of whether it will be good FOR HIM.

Too bad I gave you the impression of being a snob ;)

It's an editorial. Editorial=opinionated piece. However, I will stand by my piece and maintain that all of my opinions expressed in the editorial are more logical than your opinions. But THAT right there, is my opinion as well. :)


New member
Tabloid Junkie;188407 said:
Too bad I gave you the impression of being a snob ;)

It's an editorial. Editorial=opinionated piece. However, I will stand by my piece and maintain that all of my opinions expressed in the editorial are more logical than your opinions. But THAT right there, is my opinion as well. :)

I think that my primary disagreement was more a matter of perspective rather than having a radically different argument. And, if I had known you wrote the editorial,I wouldn't have been so off the cuff with my reaction to the "A" list, "B" list talk- I agree with you in that I wasn't necessarliy trying to make a logical point on that-it was just a general reaction.

But, anyway, you don't seem like a snob now:) I guess I might want to look before I leap a little more on this board :lol: I'm glad you seem,based on your reaction to my reaction, like such a secure person, and that you responded so gracefully:)


New member
However, I will stand by my piece and maintain that all of my opinions expressed in the editorial are more logical than your opinions.
Kinda of arrogant?

She made valid points Jordan, there really is no need to cast yourself so superiorly. What was so illogical about them vs yours? Since it's an editorial, I thought you'd defend it a little better. Tara, Dana and I had our say as well...what do you think about what was expressed?


New member
I disagree with the fact that doing a show in Vegas would make Michael a 'B-list' performer. I mean, look at Elvis. In his later years be built his career on Vegas shows and it brought him back to the superstardom of his early days. It didn't lessen his career, but helped it, and I think it would be the same for Michael.


New member
danaluvsmj;188570 said:
I disagree with the fact that doing a show in Vegas would make Michael a 'B-list' performer. I mean, look at Elvis. In his later years be built his career on Vegas shows and it brought him back to the superstardom of his early days. It didn't lessen his career, but helped it, and I think it would be the same for Michael.

But does Michael need help? If his most recent trip to Japan and London is anything to go by, he doesn't need help of any kind, LOL, well, except perhaps hiring more bodyguards to help keep him and his kids safe, lol! Hell, he doesn't even have to do shows-- not in Las Vegas, not anywhere, he's still a superstar! Peeps go nuts when he's around, we've all witnessed that! I find it absolutely amazing the way he still manages to get all the attention and attract thousands of people, after not having made any music in ten years, not toured, nothing--incredible!!!

But anyway, I don't believe in this A list, B list stuff! :uh_uh:

I hope he does do a couple of shows in Vegas so my friends on MJEOL get to see him perform live! :D



New member
mysteriousone;188607 said:
But does Michael need help? If his most recent trip to Japan and London is anything to go by, he doesn't need help of any kind, LOL, well, except perhaps hiring more bodyguards to help keep him and his kids safe, lol! Hell, he doesn't even have to do shows-- not in Las Vegas, not anywhere, he's still a superstar! Peeps go nuts when he's around, we've all witnessed that! I find it absolutely amazing the way he still manages to get all the attention and attract thousands of people, after not having made any music in ten years, not toured, nothing--incredible!!!

But anyway, I don't believe in this A list, B list stuff! :uh_uh:

I hope he does do a couple of shows in Vegas so my friends on MJEOL get to see him perform live! :D


I wholeheartedly agree, hun, except from the ten years thing. Michael's Invincible was released in 2001, if I remember correctly. :p And he also did a few shows in Madison Square Garden, but yeah... it's still amazing. :wub: It's the magic of Michael Jackson, I reckon. :wink

Though, I, personally, would LOVE if he came and did a few shows in Norway and New Zealand too. :8-26-03fruits_apple :lol No way I will let Las Vegas have all the fun by themselves. :uh_uh: Call me greedy, but c'mon... LOL. :lol


New member
HeavenSent;188569 said:
Kinda of arrogant?

She made valid points Jordan, there really is no need to cast yourself so superiorly. What was so illogical about them vs yours? Since it's an editorial, I thought you'd defend it a little better. Tara, Dana and I had our say as well...what do you think about what was expressed?

Awwwww:wub: Thanks for the support, Carla!

So, what are you sayin', Jordan? That in your opinion you're A-list and I'm B?:lol:rollin

I do think Jordan's response was pretty contained though, considering I said he was being a snob in the editorial:lol: (which I would have said much more kindly if I'd known he wrote it:) )


New member
Shannon;188612 said:
I wholeheartedly agree, hun, except from the ten years thing. Michael's Invincible was released in 2001, if I remember correctly. :p And he also did a few shows in Madison Square Garden, but yeah... it's still amazing. :wub: It's the magic of Michael Jackson, I reckon. :wink

Though, I, personally, would LOVE if he came and did a few shows in Norway and New Zealand too. :8-26-03fruits_apple :lol No way I will let Las Vegas have all the fun by themselves. :uh_uh: Call me greedy, but c'mon... LOL. :lol
Well SEVERAL years then! Better? :bleh


Yeah, I would LOVE for him to visit New Zealand again, and it wouldn't necessarily have to be to do a show either! I'd be happy with him just stopping over! LOL!
