Critics Already Slamming Michael\'s Attire on August 16th

Tabloid Junkie

New member
News anchors and hosts are already poking fun at the suit Michael wore on August 16th. What was wrong with the suit? it was white with a gold band around it. They were also poking fun that all were wearing white.


New member
It's the media in general, being petty ass pricks. They can't get to the heart of the matter, which is that Sneddon, a PROSECUTOR, made a fool of himself on the stand...And they want us all to believe this, and therefore get in our minds that the Jacksons are strange, bizarre, wierd. It's called spin...not to mention IGNORANCE.

Besides, didn't you know Michael can't do anything right?



New member
Michael looked better than ever yesterday, the suit, the glasses, and the shoes....****ing haters know damn well he looked sharp!


New member
No wearing all white in support of innocence and support is soooo not fashionable but wearing an outfit barely covering your tits and ass is perfectly fine.C'mon guys you do know that being on the Most Stylish Celeb list is top notch in Michael's to do list...Geeeezzzz.

Tabloid Junkie

New member
he was just trying to look professional and trying not to be apathetic. again, they make it seem like he can't do anything right.

my source, well i just saw it all over tv last night.
I can't believe myself ! I was out of town on the 16th I couldn't see anything I didn't even know it was yesterday.I hate it when I can't get on mjeol b/c I get completely separated from MJ.Damn I bet he looked absolutely gorgeous as usual I can't believe I missed it I think I'm going back to my favorite activity of banging my head against my desk

>>>>>>> :whatanidi that's me :)


New member
I loved that outfit. It really suits him and the glasses are totally styling!

So the tabloids are gonna go low enough to judge people on their clothes? Didnt we learn not to do that in elementary school?

Tiger Lilly

New member
Enough tabloid shit, doncha think? I don't give a flying **** what they say. I can see with my own eyes and I can see Michael looked handsome. :inlove


New member
They cant pick on anything else besides his clothes and the gross dollar store shirts that these broads are wearing on their lil gossip shows have nothing else to say but make fun of a white suit?Sorry to break the bubble but it IS summer season and white is very much in till labour day!Duhhhh..


New member
Michael looked like a piece of walking sex wearing a stunning pimp suit. Who cares what the media's obvious they had nothing else possible to pick on but his clothes...they can't go a day without saying SOMETHING bad about him. If people are more interested in hating Michael cause of his clothes than hating Sneddon for being a complete tit-fungus, then...more fool them and I pity them.

minnie michael

New member
hey, tabloid junkie,

please you need to stop posting this trash, you name yourself" tabloid junkie".. but u stil love to post those trash... i dont want to offend you, i just want to let you know please take those nonsense off your mind, we dont want to listen to those trash.... burningggggg those trash.... :screaming :screaming


and i love Michael sosooso much, i love his new all in white outfit, that's soooo classical, sooo charmingggg.... i love his hair to his toe.. :cupid: :mjistheki :mjistheki especially when the whole family worn in all white with Michael, that's mean how much they love their brother, and how sweet the whole family is.... they are the unbreakable family...goooooo!!!!!!!! :mjistheki :mjistheki :mjistheki