Fans claiming \"This Is NOT It...\" WTF?!!!!


New member
I'm hesitant to even post the link here, I don't want to bring that trash to MJEOL but I am so furious, so angry that people who call themselves fans can do this to Michael's memory. These people are feeding hungrily off of lies perpetrated by the media and becoming the second generation Billie Jeans. They're saying things like "Oh, I met Michael. He was really skinny and really stoned. I gave him my jacket and that's the one he's wearing in the movie blablabla" and of course, going on to force-feed you the rumours such Kenny Ortega having to feed him, and twisting around his words to try to find some sinister subtext...


"THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE NOT (going to see):

Michael Jackson’s shocking sudden weight loss as a result of stress and medication, reducing him to a mere 108 lbs (49kg) at the time of his death.

Wait. Michael was a fairly average 130 lbs according to the autopsy (which I believe, and which I do not believe AEG would have risked their company to get people to lie about.) And of course he's going to lose some weight. Rehearsing a 3 hour show several days a week will do that to a human.

Kenny Ortega, the director of both the tour and the movie, having to help Michael Jackson up the stairs, having to feed him and cut his food.

Where did this come from?! Are fans really clinging on to the 'wounded helpless puppy' image of Michael that bad? Ortega has denied this, and with his money already made, he has no reason to lie.

Michael Jackson's growing concerns: in May, while rehearsing over 10 hours a day, Michael Jackson confided to a few trusted fans he did not feel ready to do 50 shows, having agreed only to 10 originally, he felt pressured and the tour schedule seemed grueling.

Um, yeah? Of course he's going to be a little unsure. Of course he's going to feel pressured (it's been what? 12 years?!). This is a BIG DEAL. It was his comeback tour. It CLEARLY meant a lot to him. Anyone who saw the movie knows that.

Michael Jackson failing to show up at rehearsals because he was not well, and being picked up from his house by his choreographer to force him to go to work.

Michael was simply not required to go to every rehearsal. Simple as that. People working on the tour said he was there most days.

Michael Jackson’s debilitating insomnia and loss of appetite, the crippling pressure he was under, which led him to be over-prescribed and over-medicated by criminal doctors who kept him in an altered, drowsy state throughout the day and in an anesthetic coma at night.

Again...go watch This Is It. He's very aware. Do I think he was over-medicated? Probably, we all know Conrad Murray is a shady-ass dude. But I do not think it affected his work or steps would have been taken, not just to preserve Michael's health for the sake of Michael but because Michael's health was what was going to be making the money here.

Everyone around him witnessing to Michael Jackson looking confused and groggy, forgetting the lyrics of his own songs during rehearsals. Nonetheless, his entourage kept enabling his dangerous prescription-drug use, to keep him relaxed, rested and under 'control'. Those very drugs are named as the cause of death in the coroner’s report.

Back to the autopsy....there was but one (or two?) drug(s) that killed Michael. His system wasn't loaded as people would have you believe. And in This Is It, there *are* indeed times where he fades in an out of singing....this I attribute to his conserving his voice, as he explains in the film. And also to his concentrating on dance and other aspects of the show. "

I am shaking mad. This is ridiculous and Michael doesn't deserve it. I can't believe there are still people being sucked into all this BULLSHIT! ARGH! :8-26-03ranting:

Needed to rant. Rant over. I don't want to corrupt anyone by posting the link.


New member
It's bullsh*t. Obviously Michael would have had SOME problems before he died (hence the fact he was taking all that medication), but to say someone had to help Michael eat? A load of crap. If Michael didn't have the energy to eat or climb up some stairs, then where the hell did all that energy come from to do all those rehersals? If Michael was so out of it and all these people wittnessed it, then why is there footage of Michael looking perfectly fine, yet absolutely no evidence of him otherwise? Yeah he was skinny he was always skinny, it was just emphasysed by what he was wearing, Michael usually wore clothes that were a lot bigger. And being skinny is nothing new, let's not forget all the previous anorexia rumours that have been going around for years.


New member
I can understand you being upset, but don't dwell on it.
Life is short, as we all know, and it doesn't even matter at this point.
No one's mouth is a prayer book.
You don't have to believe what anyone else says.
If YOU enjoyed This Is It, that's all that matters.
Think of all the incredible entertainment Michael shared
with the ENTIRE planet. That's how he will be remembered.
No matter what people say, that's the bare bones of it all.
Doesn't matter how much surgery he had, the color of his skin,
the drugs, who he was intimate doesn't matter.
Mere details.
Michael was, and will forever remain, a musical genius to say the least.
And THAT IS IT...:8-26-03respect:


New member
Those people are NOT Michael Jackson fans, IMO. They don't know what they're talking about, period. I've never been the kind of MJ fan that thought he was perfect. I always viewed him as a human being that had flaws. We all do. But, I loved Michael and all of his flaws.

All I have to say is if Michael was so frail and drugged up to his eyeballs (as I have read from those heinous news articles) then where can I get some. Michael was alert and did not move like a 50-yr-old man. He was having fun, smiling, dancing, being the leader of this event, etc. He had his hand in everything.

I just saw TII for the 4th time and the man I saw on the screen was not a drugged addict, nor frail. He was Michael Jackson, the perfectionist.

Those people need to shut their traps.


New member
I have never believed these rumors. Michael was not frail and out of it! These people are looking for someone to blame! Well they are looking at the wrong people!


New member
It's very upsetting reading the accounts on this site.While I do believe he was under a lot of stress, I don't believe he was completely drugged out of his mind. I think the fans exaggerate some of these things. Just makes things more confusing. Makes me angry.