Happy Birthday Michael!

Michael, you are the most beautiful, strongest, most talented and...did I say beautiful? Yeah, I did. But it doesn't hurt to say it again. :3 .... man I've ever seen.

I was just thinking today how it's been 4 years since I "met" you...well, not in person, of course-- I mean when I discovered how awesome you are. At the same time it feels like a really long time ago, it's like yesterday, especially with how you never fail to surprise me- whereever you are and whatever you're doing.

You're not just the King of Pop, Rock and Soul, you're also the king of my heart! <3

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL! I wish you all the best, in everything...
I love you!!!


New member
HeavenSent;196520 said:
yay, look at the first time posters posting! welcome you guys!
I knowwwww........isn't it awesome!! :yayyay When I saw this thread then went through the posts, I thought to myself, "OMG where on earth did ALL these people come from.....lol'--it's great to see members post like this, and I too, welcome them all!

Oh and before I forget what I'm here for..:rolleyes:

Happy Birthday Michael! :wub:



New member
As previously pointed out here, it's so great to see new faces around here making their first post on Michael's birthday.

I just want to say hi and welcome to you all. :D Hope you will enjoy MJEOL as much as we do. :8-26-03fruits_apple


New member
hey babylove,
wish you the best birthday ever. hope you have lots of fun and good times.show'em how its done, the right way. happy bithday michael

minnie yu

New member
oh Mike i am late..i am so sorry u could forgive me cos i have posted my bday wish at CHinese forum at 29th ..that's u birthday..happy birthday Mike..i wish u all the best in the world!!!and being happy being healthy doing whatever u wanna do...create new music for this world...the music world isnot that good without you!!! you are so important and being loved dearly Michael..:wub:

we love you Mike...

ps: i am listening to Rihanna's new song, donot stop music...i wish u could listen to it ..u will find something very special in this song..hee-hee!!!:lol :8-26-03fruits_apple :8-26-03respect:


New member
Happy Birthday Michael!

I wish you all the happiness in the world!
May you and your family be happy and healthy always and forever!
You deserve nothing but happiness and joy
You truly are an angel.

I love you dearly,

Michelle Livson,
Eh... this is late isn't it? I hope you got cake. Not that family isn't important, but cake is always yummy to eat. So, hopefully you ate cake with all the people you care about. And kept in mind those who couldn't be there, but who you still care about.

My Dad once said this to me. I like to think it is true.

"On your birthday, your guardian angel sprinkles over you a lot more energy than it does on other days, which is why you have that BIG SMILE on your face. You can see this energy; sometimes when you were little you probably thought it was pixie dust, but eventually you stopped seeing it, or maybe you still do? On your birthday, it gives you more than on other days because it is giving you the same amount of love you received during your birth times the number of years you now have... because each year everyone loves you a lot more, and each year, your guardian angel wants you to know."